27–28 May 2024
Europe/Moscow timezone

Advancements in Quantum Computing in Egypt: A Journey with the Alexandria Quantum Computing Group

27 May 2024, 10:30



Ahmed Younes (Faculty of Science, Alexandria University)


Alexandria Quantum Computing Group (AleQCG) has been at the forefront
of quantum computing research in Egypt since 2016. Situated in the
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Faculty of
Science, Alexandria University, Egypt, AleQCG focuses on various aspects
of quantum computing:
1. Quantum Algorithms: AleQCG designs novel quantum algorithms to
address complex computational problems, leveraging the unique properties
of quantum systems.
2. Quantum Circuit Synthesis and Optimization: The group conducts
pioneering research in optimizing quantum and reversible circuits,
ensuring efficient utilization of quantum resources.
3. Quantum Machine Learning: AleQCG explores the intersection of
quantum computing and machine learning, aiming to unlock new
capabilities through quantum-enhanced models.
4. Quantum Cryptography: Investigating secure communication protocols
based on quantum principles, AleQCG contributes to the field of
quantum-safe cryptography.
5. Quantum Dot Cellular Automata: The group explores alternative
quantum computing paradigms, including quantum dot cellular automata,
which holds promise for future quantum technologies.
AleQCG has made significant contributions to integrating quantum
computing into the curricula of various institutions in Egypt at the
BSc, MSc, and PhD levels. Many Master’s and PhD students from Egypt
and the Middle East have graduated under their guidance. Additionally,
AleQCG has successfully completed several projects funded by the ASRT
(Academy of Scientific Research and Technology).
The group has established the Center of Excellence for Quantum
Computers at Alexandria University, serving both the community and
researchers. AleQCG played a key role in establishing and coordinating
the Professional Master’s program in Quantum Computing and Quantum
Informatics offered by Alexandria University.
Furthermore, AleQCG collaborates extensively with institutions across
Egypt, the Middle East, Africa, and worldwide. They organize workshops
and participate in global events to raise awareness about the importance
of quantum computing. Notably, the group represents Egypt in initiatives
such as QWorld and World Quantum Day.

Primary author

Ahmed Younes (Faculty of Science, Alexandria University)

Presentation materials