Nadezhda Tokareva
(Dubna Univeristy)
The intensive development of computing technology and distributed computing systems technologies has led to the emergence of new active and interactive forms of education in which students have the opportunity of wide access to electronic educational resources. At the same time, new threats and vulnerabilities have emerged, which can be classified into 3 groups: integrity and confidentiality of information in a distributed computing educational environment, protection of intellectual property of the electronic educational resources, and security of the learning management system. The report discusses the mechanisms for ensuring information security in a distributed computing educational environment.
Keywords: distributed computing environment, education, information security, electronic educational resources
The report discusses the mechanisms for ensuring information security in a distributed computing educational environment.
Primary author
Nadezhda Tokareva
(Dubna Univeristy)
Anatoly Minzov
(Dubna State University)
Evgenia Cheremisina
(Dubna State University)