30 September 2019 to 4 October 2019
Montenegro, Budva, Becici
Europe/Podgorica timezone

Registration Fee

Registration fee

Registration fee will cover Conference Proceedings, Welcome Party, Conference Dinner, coffee/tea breaks, and a social program.




up to 15.07.2019


from 16.07.2019

Registration fee 550  600 
Registration fee for accompanying person 275  300 


Attention! The guarantee of your participation in the conference for the corresponding price is the fact payment of the registration fee in the certain timeline
(see the table above).


The registration fee for children under 12 (2 - 12 years) that covers Welcome Party, Conference Dinner and social activities, is 50% of the registration fee for accompanying persons.

The Organizing Committee kindly asks you to inform us by e-mail in advance, i.e. before the registration, if you have some wishes concerning your accomodation, in partucular, sharing a double-room with some of the participants.



For the registration fee and accommodation payment, please use the details provided below:

$ US dollars payment

Beneficiary: JINR TIN 9909125356/501063001
Beneficiary' s account with beneficiary bank: 40807840400000000292
Beneficiary's bank: VTB Bank (PJSC), Moscow
Payment details: For the Symposium "Nuclear Electronics and Computing": Registration fee

€ Euro payment

Beneficiary: JINR TIN 9909125356/501063001
Beneficiary' s account with beneficiary bank: 40807978000050000158
Beneficiary's bank: VTB Bank (PJSC), Moscow
Payment details: For the Symposium "Nuclear Electronics and Computing": Registration fee

₽ Рублевый платеж

Получатель: Объединенный институт ядерных исследований ИНН/КПП: 9909125356/501063001
Расч. счет: 40807810800050000513
Банк: Банк ВТБ (ПАО), г.Москва
БИК: 044525187
Корр. счет: 30101810700000000187
Детализация платежа: Для симпозиума "Nuclear Electronics and Computing"

*перевод в рублях осуществляется по курсу 1евро = 75 рублям


New! The online payment system is available for registration fee (https://pay.jinr.ru/).

You are kindly asked to pay your registration fee via this online payment system or via bank transfer.


After payment, please send a scanned copy of the document confirming the payment to nec2019@jinr.ru and present the original to the Organizing Committee upon arrival.

Please make bank transfers for accommodation and registration fee separately.

€ & $ payment:
For the Symposium "Nuclear Electronics and Computing": registration fee
For the Symposium "Nuclear Electronics and Computing": accommodation

₽ Рублевый платеж:
Для симпозиума "Nuclear Electronics and Computing": регистрационный взнос
Для симпозиума "Nuclear Electronics and Computing": проживание