10–14 Oct 2022
Europe/Moscow timezone
The conference will be held on October 10-14 of 2022 in Saint Petersburg.

On analytic properties of correlation functions in various patches of Minkowski and de Sitter spaces

10 Oct 2022, 12:00
Plenary Talk Section A: Mathematical methods in QFT Plenary Session


Emil Akhmedov (MIPT and ITEP)


We consider correlation functions for Poincare and de Sitter invariant states in the corresponding spaces. We study loop corrections to these correlation functions in various charts of these spaces. We find that the correcations contain certain IR contributions which affect the properties of the correlation functions and in certian cases can lead to the violation of the isometry in the loops.

Primary author

Emil Akhmedov (MIPT and ITEP)

Presentation materials