Measurement of Ra and Th ion charges using a new gas-filled separator DGFRS-2

Not scheduled
Oral Nuclear Physics Nuclear Physics


Mr Dastan Ibadullayev (FLNR, JINR)


In 2019, test experiments on the production of Ra and Th isotopes in fusion reactions at the new gas-filled separator DGFRS-2 of the superheavy elements factory were conducted with varying target thicknesses. In this work, the mean charges of ions in a rarefied hydrogen are determined for the evaporation residues and the dispersion of dipole magnets of the separator is estimated. A comparison with the results of previous experiments at DGFRS-1 is given. The energy losses of the beam and evaporation products during their passage of certain separator layers are calculated.

Primary authors

Mr Dastan Ibadullayev (FLNR, JINR) Mr Vladimir Utyonkov (FLNR, JINR)


Andrey Popeko (FLNR) Mr Roman Sagaidak (FLNR, JINR)

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