Jun 20 – 24, 2023
Dubna, Russia
Europe/Moscow timezone

WARNING: the CLUSTER'22 Conference was POSTPONED to 2023!

Welcome to CLUSTER'22

12th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics

20 - 24 June 2023

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Dubna, Russia

The Conference will be held in the International Conference Hall in Dubna (141980, Moscow region, Dubna, 2 Stroiteley str.).


  • Cluster structure in stable and unstable nuclei
  • Clustering in exotic nuclei, nuclear molecules and few-cluster systems
  • Clustering aspects of nuclear reactions
  • Symmetries and clustering
  • Clustering in nuclear matter and neutron stars
  • Nuclear fission, superheavy nuclei, cluster decay
  • Cluster physics and nuclear astrophysics
  • Analogues of nuclear clustering in quark and atomic systems
  • Clustering in hypernuclei
  • Selected applications of clustered nuclei



Dubna, Russia
International Conference Hall in Dubna 141980, Moscow region, Dubna, 2 Stroiteley str.
  • Mikhail ITKIS
  • Emanuele VARDACI