Sep 25 – 29, 2017
Montenegro, Budva, Becici
Europe/Podgorica timezone

Educational Support of NICA Project

Sep 29, 2017, 5:00 PM
Conference Hall (Montenegro, Budva, Becici)

Conference Hall

Montenegro, Budva, Becici

Splendid Conference & SPA Resort, 85315 Becici, Montenegro Hotel Splendid
Sectional Innovative IT Education Innovative IT Education (Round Table)


Prof. Yury Panebrattsev (JINR)


Educational support of the megaproject NICA is aimed at attracting public attention (school and university students and generally interested audience) to the scientific achievements of JINR and also training specialists to work at the accelerating complex NICA in the mid-term and long-term perspective. It is also necessary to include scientific and applied results obtained at NICA in the educational programs of undergraduate and postgraduate education. The expected scientific results obtained at the NICA collider will undoubtedly broaden the horizons of the world’s knowledge about the structure and evolution of matter at the early stage of the Universe evolution and, in the light of experimental data, will allow one to answer the actual questions of the modern science, for example about nucleon spin nature and spin structure of the lightest nucleus – deuterium – at small distances. Such scientific findings and technological solutions should be accompanied by educational, popular-science and outreach projects intended for a wider audience, including school students. In the future, it will allow us to overcome a serious social problem – decline in young people's interest in scientific research and engineering professions. As a first step there has been made the open lesson for school students on the theme: “NICA. Universe in the Lab”. In this video, Academician Grigory Vladimirovich Trubnikov speaks about the research that scientists from different countries will carry out at the NICA accelerator complex. Creation of a modern educational environment of continuous learning and training of highly qualified personnel in the framework of the mega-project “NICA complex” requires development of online courses within the NICA project subject-matter, for example, about basics of accelerator equipment, experimental methods of nuclear physics, introduction to the physics of relativistic nuclear collisions, electronics for physics experiment etc. The special attention will be paid to the development and promotion of the specialized site of the NICA project which will include as the actual project information as educational materials within the subject-matter of the NICA project for students and young scientists. Using modern technologies of 3D-modeling and scientific data visualization will enable the development of educational resources of NICA at the level of the world's leading research centers. The interactive map of the NICA complex was created and will be updated during the development of the complex. Interactive map allows you to learn the setups of the collider. Complete modules of the complex shot on video, in order to demonstrate the current construction process. The modules, which are at the stage of development now demonstrated as a 3-D graphics that reveal the device itself and explain it's working principle. For each node of the complex we are expecting to make both video and graphic materials. Building brand awareness of JINR and NICA for a wider audience is one of the most important tasks. A good solution to this problem is creation of multimedia exhibits associated with the JINR research topics and participation in a variety of Russian and international exhibitions, days of science, museum exhibitions.

Primary authors


Evgeny Dolgy (University of Dubna) Ms Ksenia Klygina (JINR) Pavel Kochnev (Dubna International University of Nature, Society and Man) Prof. V.D. Kekelidze (JINR, VBLHEP)

Presentation materials