Victor Rogov
The BM@N facility is a fixed target experiment based on heavy ion beams of the Nuclotron-M accelerator. The aim of the BM@N is to study nucleus – nucleus collisions at energies up to 4.5 GeV per nucleon. Our group is responsible to develop triggers system for this experiment.
The described trigger system has been developed at LHEP/JINR for trigger generation in the BM@N experiments. The trigger and start detectors fast signals of MCP-PMTs and SiPMs are used as input signals for the trigger processing.
The trigger system consist of detectors with fast front-end electronics (FEE), power supplies for detectors and FEE and a level 0 trigger processor unit (Trigger L0 unit, T0U). The T0U is used to generate a BM@N zero level trigger and a TOF detector precise start. T0U generates trigger signal based on the beam line, the target area and the barrel detector signals.
This report presents a concept, characteristics and a performance of the trigger system during the B@MN last runs.
Primary author
Victor Rogov