Sep 25 – 29, 2017
Montenegro, Budva, Becici
Europe/Podgorica timezone

Application of NVIDIA CUDA technology to calculation of ground states of few-body nuclei

Sep 29, 2017, 11:55 AM
Conference Hall (Montenegro, Budva, Becici)

Conference Hall

Montenegro, Budva, Becici

Splendid Conference & SPA Resort, 85315 Becici, Montenegro Hotel Splendid
Sectional Computations with Hybrid Systems (CPU, GPU, coprocessors) Computations with Hybrid Systems (CPU, GPU, coprocessors)


Prof. Viacheslav Samarin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions)


The modern parallel computing solutions were used to speed up the calculations by Feynman’s continual integrals method. The algorithm was implemented in C++ programming language. Calculations using NVIDIA CUDA technology were performed on the NVIDIA Tesla K40 accelerator installed within the heterogeneous cluster of the Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna. The results for energies of the ground states of several few-body nuclei demonstrate overall good agreement with experimental data. The obtained square modulus of the wave function of the ground states provided the possibility of investigating the spatial structure of the studied nuclei. The use of general-purpose computing on graphics processing units significantly (two orders of magnitude) increases the speed of calculations. This approach may be useful for investigation of any few-body system including few-quark systems and may serve as an addition to other well-known methods, e.g., Gaussian expansion method and hyperspherical-harmonics technique.

Primary author

Prof. Viacheslav Samarin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions)


Mikhail Naumenko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

Presentation materials