July 1, 2021 to September 18, 2021
Europe/Warsaw timezone
This years topics will be published soon, but you can already register!


TeFeNICA 2021 - Team for the Future of NICA

A new project started as a collaboration of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna (Russia) and Warsaw University of Technology.

Team for the future of NICA is a program of a few months-long internships. The program is dedicated to bachelor/engineering studies (1 to 3 months long practice ) and Master's degree studies (6 months - 1-year program). All students interested in the NICA project are invited to participate. You can register for the program all year round by email at tefenica@jinr.ru or for the summer program here.  

Practically every day of the Internship 
we start with a meeting. Those meetings aim to introduce participants to the issues we deal with at the JINR within the Engineering Support sector.  A complementary goal is to organize and consolidate this knowledge and provide students with a minimum of engineering and technical knowledge, including health and safety regulations.

Interns will take part in several scientific excursions
planned within JINR Laboratories. These trips should allow students to acquire knowledge of the Institute's research capabilities and applied solutions and technologies.  Interns will gain practical knowledge of what are major research projects in high energy physics.

At the end of the practice
each Student will prepare a final presentation, one of the final days of the internship. Lecture preparation is a requirement to finish the practice. The language of the seminar is English.

Participant of TeFeNICA 2021 Internship, pass them by fulfilling the following algorithm, and agree to the following conditions:

1. Registration on the site https://indico.jinr.ru/event/1970

2. TeFeNICA2021 internships are held in the stationary form in JINR's Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics in Dubna, Russian Federation. The intern's physical presence is required and fulfills all of the requirements to obtain a visa to enter the Russian Federation. 

3. The organizer proposes individual or group topics (max. Three people), which, after the announcement on the TeFeNICA2021 Practice website, can be chosen by the Participants and accepted by the Practice Manager.

4. The participant performs the task assigned to him during his/her stay in Dubna.

5. Completion of work is notified to the Internship Manager by the Individual Subject Supervisor and is the basis for starting the crediting procedure.

6. Conditions for passing TeFeNICA Internships:

a) Joining the seminar at least once a week for a group meeting and participating in each meeting proposed by the Supervisor.

b) Performing a task related to TeFeNICA Practice, given by the Supervisor and accepted by the Participant.

c) Participant's active attendance during the final seminar, usually a 15-minute presentation in English.

d) Participant's active attendance in the conference "Experiment Control System TeFeNICA 2021"(The conference might not be organized due to the COVID-19 restrictions), during which the Participant presents the TeFeNICA 2021 Practices results.

e) Preparation of publication thematically related to the Practice, published in the magazine indicated by the organizer (usually it is APPB).

f) In addition, the Internship organizer will propose an engineering or master’s degree thesis topic related to the NICA Project, which Practice Participant may undertake to perform and defend in its affiliate institution (Faculty, University from which it was delegated)