July 1, 2021 to September 18, 2021
Europe/Warsaw timezone
This years topics will be published soon, but you can already register!


Here you will find "News" regarding TeFeNICA 2021

First remote informational meeting regarding TeFeNICA Programme will take place on the 27th of April 2021 at 14:30 (Warsaw Time). You can connect via Zoom using this link: https://cern.zoom.us/j/63026330103?pwd=STQ2aUh2SVkranE3VGtZM0pUUE5rZz09

During the meeting students can learn about the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, NICA project and get some general information about TeFeNICA. 


Second meeting (Q&A session) will take place on the 11th of May 2021 at 14:30 (Warsaw Time) and during this meeting the Organizing Committee will answer all questions that have arisen after the first meeting. You can join the meeting via Zoom using this link: https://cern.zoom.us/j/68714185484?pwd=Tyt0cDB5SjVKRTVRNW00UThUNm5tZz09