Research activities at BHU and with JINR, Dubna

18 Oct 2023, 14:50
International Meeting House

International Meeting House

Stroitelei str., 2 Dubna Moscow region Russian Federation


Ajay Kumar (Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi)


Presently, a group of seven PhD students is working with me and they all are working on different nuclear research programmes. We are working on surrogate reaction studies, fusion-fission studies, Neural networks
in nuclear physics as well as neutron and alpha cross-section studies with covariance analysis.
Extensive work was done under Indo Russian bilateral research programme funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India. BHU group participated actively in the TANGRA establishment at JINR,
Dubna and co-authored more than a dozen papers in reputed journals. A group of PhD students from JINR,
Dubna also visited BHU in October 2019 and presented their research work in international conference on nuclear physics. The details about the research work and future possibilities will be shared during the

Primary author

Ajay Kumar (Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi)

Presentation materials