Anisotropic Collective Flow at High Baryon Density

2 Jul 2024, 18:40
Conference Hall (BLTP)

Conference Hall


second floor, Chairman: Shimanskiy S.


Аркадий Тараненко (VBLHEP JINR)


The anisotropic collective flow is one of the important observable sensitive to the equation of state (EOS) and transport properties of the strongly interacting matter created in relativistic heavy-ion
collisions. In this work we discuss the recent flow measurements from the Beam Energy Scan programs at SIS, SPS and RHIC and anticipated performance of the BM@N and MPD experiments at Nuclotron-NICA.

Section Heavy ion collisions at Intermediate and high energies

Primary author

Аркадий Тараненко (VBLHEP JINR)


Peter Parfenov (JINR)

Presentation materials