High-Granular Time-of-Flight Neutron Detector HGND for the BM@N experiment

5 Jul 2024, 11:30
Conference Hall (BLTP)

Conference Hall


second floor
Plenary Plenary


Sergey Morozov (Institute for Nuclear Research RAS)


A new high-granular time-of-flight neutron detector HGND (High Granural Neutron Detector) is being developed and constructed in order to measure azimuthal neutron flow in nucleus-nucleus interactions within at the BM@N experiment (JINR). The detector consists of alternating layers of copper absorber plates and matrices of scintillation cells with individual light readout by silicon photomultipliers. The HGND detector will be used in the fixed target BM@N experiment to identify neutrons and to measure their energy in heavy-ion collisions with energies up to 4 GeV per nucleon. The ratios of direct and elliptic azimuthal neutron flow to the corresponding proton flow, which can be measured by the magnetic spectrometer of the BM@N facility, should be sensitive, as shown in a number of models, to the symmetry energy in the equation of state (EoS) of high dense nuclear matter. Measuring these ratios is also important in astrophysics for understanding the structure of neutron stars, processes during supernova explosions and merging of double neutron stars.
The performance studies based on the results of simulations of the new HGND detector at the BM@N experiment will be presented. Results of time resolution measurements of scintillation cells will be shown.

Section Design of new experimental facilities

Primary author

Sergey Morozov (Institute for Nuclear Research RAS)


Aleksandr Zubankov (Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences) Arseniy Shabanov (INR RAS) Fedor Guber (INR RAS, Moscow) Marina Golubeva (INR RAS) Nikolay Karpushkin (INR RAS) Vadim Volkov (INR RAS)

Presentation materials