Andrei Martynov
The NICA accelerator complex (JINR) includes a Heavy ion linear accelerator (HILAC) designed for injection of heavy ions (with the mass to charge ratio A/Z ≤ 6.35) into the storage synchrotron-Booster. Commissioning sessions with accelerated Xe28+ ions showed insufficient beam intensity of the required heavy ion beam parameters for experiments in the Collider. A multiple injection technology has been developed and is currently being implemented for increase of beam intensity. The paper presents the results of 3-fold and 10-fold injection for heavy ion experiments in the NICA collider.
Primary authors
Andrei Martynov
Boris Golovenskiy
Konstantin Levterov
Vladimir Mialkovskii
Peer reviewing
Paper files:
- Рисунок3.png
- Рисунок2.png
- Рисунок1низ.png
- Рисунок1верх.png
- Многократная инжекция тяжелых ионов в бустер коллайдера НИКА.docx
- Copyright_Transfer_Agreement_многокр. инж.doc
- Copyright_Transfer_Agreement_многокр. инж.pdf
- Многократная инжекция тяжелых ионов в бустер коллайдера НИКА.pdf
- Рисунки к статье многокр инжекция.zip