Oct 21 – 25, 2024
Yerevan, Armenia
Asia/Yerevan timezone

Registration and Abstract Submission

Registration to the MMCP2024 is a two step process followed by the third one - abstract submission. This will allow you both to return to your conference account later and modify personal details as well as register to another conferences or seminars, whose webpages will be hosted via https://indico-hlit.jinr.ru as is this conference.

1. Registration to INDICO

This step is necessary only if you don't have an account on LDAP and can't log in via the JINR SSO, otherwise proceed directly to step 2.

If you have never attended conference organized via webpage indico.jinr.ru, first visit INDICO registration page and enter your e-mail. You will receive confirmation e-mail. After clicking on the attached link, you will be brought to a page where you have to fill in your contact details, select user name (e.g., full e-mail) and password. Don't forget to save your data by clicking on the button down right. Your personal data will be automatically passed to registration part of the conference and every further event, to which you will register through indico.jinr.ru.

2. Registration to the Conference MMCP2024

After you have obtained a login credentials to the INDICO (via HybriLIT or INDICO account) log in to your INDICO account, e.g., visiting the conference website http://mmcp.jinr.ru and clicking in the upper right corner Login. Then choose appropriate login provider Indico for INDICO account or JINR SSO for JINR account. Now you are ready to register for the conference. Visit the Registration page fill in all required fields and after confirming that you understand your rights according to the Data Protection Policy click the button Register. Please note, that you can edit your registration details later by visiting the same registration page as long as the registration is open so you can, e.g., upload your abstract later.

3. Submission of the abstract

Submission of the abstract is on of the steps of registration. You are submitting the abstract by selecting (and uploading) the zip file, containing the source files for the abstract, license agreement and all supplementary material in the window called Abstract (between the Additional Information and Data Protection windows).

On the following link you can download a template for conference abstract. Please note, that we accept only abstracts written in LaTeX. Please download the package with abstract, extract it and in the file mmcp_abstract.tex fill in requested information between the comments % START of users changes and % END of users changes. After compiling the abstract you will get a pdf file of 2 pages (maximum abstract length is one page). The first page is a license agreement allowing the MMCP2024 conference to publish your abstract and use your data, s.a., name, institution and abstract title for the purpose of creation of Book of Abstracts. Your e-mail address is not necessary for publication of the abstract and please note, that if you use it, it will become an inseparable part of the book of abstracts. Print out this first - agreement - page, sign it (only one author on behalf of all co-authors) and add scan of this license agreement to your abstract submission. So your abstract submission should consist of a zip file containing source file of the abstract, scan of the license agreement, together with all supplemental material (images). If you fail to provide license agreement your abstract will not be included in the Book of Abstracts and the conference webpage.