Oct 20 – 25, 2024
Yerevan, Armenia
Asia/Yerevan timezone

Conference Venue

The conference will take place in Conference Hall of Yerevan State University Scientific Council (main building of the Yerevan State University, 1 Alek Manukyan, Yerevan).

The Conference Hall of Yerevan State University Scientific Council, located within the main building of Yerevan State University, serves as the esteemed venue for the MMCP2024 conference. Situated in the heart of Yerevan, this conference hall offers a great setting conducive to academic exchange and collaboration.

Please, note that there is no parking facilities are available nearby. However, the venue is conveniently located in the main YSU building and provides easy walking access for participants arriving from the city center. Its central location also provides proximity to accommodations, dining and cultural attractions, enhancing the overall conference experience.

For those participants who will be staying at the Ani Plaza Hotel (19 Sayat-Nova Avenue, Yerevan), the main building of Yerevan State University is within a 10-minute walk.

Map from ANI to YSU