Oct 21 – 25, 2024
Yerevan, Armenia
Asia/Yerevan timezone


We are glad to inform you that the proceedings of the conference will be published in a special issue of Physics of Particles and Nuclei following the event. Manuscripts submitted for publication will undergo a peer-review process for acceptance.

We shall strive to accommodate all the submitted manuscripts which will pass the refereeing process foreseen by this journal.

Since we cannot afford paid services on the check of the English of the papers, the authors are kindly asked to take notice that a good English quality, together with strict observations of the formal rules concerning .pdf file preparation of the submitted manuscripts are two obligatory conditions to send the .pdf file to the referees.

In order to expedite the publication process, please note the following formal rules:

  • The length of a submitted manuscript will be:
    • 8 pages for a plenary lecture;
    • 4 pages for a contributed paper.
  • The manuscript preparation is accepted exclusively in the LaTeX format, following the instructions in the template mmcp2024_proceedings_template.zip.
  • The quality of the digital images (.jpg, .png, or .pdf) for figures should have an original high-resolution at least 300 dpi at 100%.
  • Submit your paper (a zip file containing all source files including pictures and resulting pdf) to mmcp2024@jinr.int
  • After your article has been accepted for publication, you will have to download and sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement.

There is a sharp deadline for manuscript submission: November 30th, 2024.

We ask every corresponding author to provide the names and e-mail addresses of three suggested referees.

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