27–28 May 2024
Europe/Moscow timezone

Evading Quantum Mechanics à la Sudarshan: quantum-mechanics-free subsystem as a realization of Koopman-von Neumann mechanics

28 May 2024, 14:30
MLIT, 5-th Floor, Conference Hall

MLIT, 5-th Floor, Conference Hall


Dr Zurab Silagadze (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)


Tsang and Caves suggested the idea of a quantum-mechanics-free subsystem in 2012. We contend that Sudarshan's viewpoint on Koopman-von Neumann mechanics is realized in the quantum-mechanics-free subsystem. Since quantum-mechanics-free subsystems are being experimentally realized, Koopman-von Neumann mechanics is essentially transformed into an engineering science.

Primary author

Dr Zurab Silagadze (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)

Presentation materials