27–28 May 2024
Europe/Moscow timezone

On the dichotomy of ``elementary versus composite'' in Stratonovich-Weyl correspondence for qudits

28 May 2024, 16:10
MLIT, 5-th Floor, Conference Hall

MLIT, 5-th Floor, Conference Hall


Арсен Хведелидзе (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


The issue of evidence of a quantum system to be an elementary or a composite one is discussed within the Stratonovich-Weyl correspondence for finite dimensional systems.

The numerical experiments with a 4-level quantum system are performed in order to understand how its virtual 2-level subsystems manifest themselves in the properties of the Wigner quasiprobability distributions of quantum states.

The results of our studies show that ``compositeness of a quantum system'' is encoded not only in the density matrix of quantum state but in the structure of the Stratonovich-Weyl kernels as well.

Primary author

Арсен Хведелидзе (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


Presentation materials