Jul 9 – 13, 2018
Charles University, Prague
Europe/Prague timezone



This International Workshop on Spin Physics Experiments at NICA (SPIN-Praha-2018) is the next in the series of meetings on problems of symmetries and polarization phenomena in Particle and Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics related to the particles' spin. They have begun with the first meeting of this series at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, in 1975, and continued on a regular basis from 1976 on in Czech Republic. Links to the Web sites of the previous meetings can be found at http://spd.jinr.ru/doku.php?id=conferences.  

Prague spin physics meetings aim at:

  • taking the broadest possible view of the discipline by inviting distinguished speakers both theoreticians and experimentalists from different collaborations aiming at investigation of particles’ spin  effects in various physics domains, predominantly in Particle Physics;

  • promoting contacts among researchers from different fields of physics to review and discuss present status and perspectives of their research;

  • facilitating formation of new collaborations;

  • helping young researchers and students to take active part in respective international research programs.

This Workshop is devoted to the NICA Spin Physics Program at the JINR, design of the Spin Physics Detector (SPD) there and its physics potential, and setting-up of an international collaboration to design, build and perform experiments with this detector.


In addition, theoretical and experimental aspects of the ongoing and upcoming spin physics experiments in the accelerator centers around the world will be discussed.

Charles University Joint Institute for Nuclear Research NICA JINR Czech Technical University, Prague