Jul 9 – 13, 2018
Charles University, Prague
Europe/Prague timezone

Scientific Program

The scientific program of this workshop will be anchored around the following pillars:
  • Theoretical and experimental overview of the status of the nucleon spin puzzle, ongoing and upcoming experiments;
  • NICA spin physics program at the JINR;
  • Design of the Spin Physics Detector (SPD) at NICA for measurements with polarized proton and deuteron beams and its physics potential;
  • Practical steps towards setting-up of an international collaboration to design, build and perform experiments with the SPD.
Overview talks as well as specific contributions to the topics above will be foreseen.
A participant who would like to give a talk should contact the scientific secretary of the Program Advisory Committee Dr. Elena Zemlyanichkina (elena.zemlyanichkina@cern.ch) and send to her the title and а short abstract of the contribution. The final program of the event will be compiled by the Committee and made available at this site shortly after the registration has been completed.