Andrey Baginyan
The article presents a scheme of the data transmission network providing the commissioning of the DC-280 accelerator complex. The main indicators of communication channel characteristics are given. Discusses the calculations settings of network devices that provide secure access to network resources. Shown settings for transmission of unicast and multicast packets and IPv4 protocol. An authorization scheme and storage system for the entire switch configuration sequence is presented. The monitoring system of the network is considered and the payload of links based on SNMP is shown.
Given the forecast for future utilization of communication unblocked channels. Detail description of the necessity to use DHCP snooping functionality is given. A system of wireless access to a local computer network has been developed. In conclusion, a summary is given and a forecast is given on the future development of the LAN of the accelerator complex, as well as the backbone of the communication links.
Keywords: Network, Monitoring, Authorization.
Primary author
Andrey Baginyan
Sergey Pashenko
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Vladislav Sorokoumov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)