Tatiana Strizh
The JINR grid infrastructure is a main component of the JINR Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex (MICC). There are two grid-sites: the Tier-1 for the CMS experiment at LHC and the Tier-2 which provides support to the virtual organizations (VOs) concerning the JINR participation in experiments at LHC (ATLAS, ALICE, CMS, LHCb), FAIR (CBM, PANDA), and other VOs (NICA, STAR, COMPASS, NOvA) within large-scale international collaborations with JINR researchers. The grid resources of the MICC JINR are a part of the global Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) infrastructure, which was formed to support the LHC experiments.. Up to 2015 the main element of the JINR grid infrastructure was the Tier-2 center, one of the best resource centers of the Russian Data Intensive Grid (RDIG) and a part of the global grid infrastructure of WLCG and a member of the European EGI infrastructure. The official inauguration of the JINR Tier-1 for the CMS experiment in March 2015 marked a significant enhancement of the JINR grid computing infrastructure. This was an important contribution to the WLCG infrastructure. During past two years it was tuned and upgraded in order to cope with increasing amount of data coming from CMS experiment. The present status of the JINR grid infrastructure and plans for future development will be presented.
Primary author
N.S. Astakhov
A.O. Golunov
Andrey Baginyan
Andrey Dolbilov
Artem Petrosyan
E.A. Kuznetsov
Igor Pelevanyuk
Ivan Kadochnikov
Ivan Kashunin
Natalia Gromova
Nikita Balashov
Nikolay Voytishin
S.V. Shmatov
Sergey Belov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Tatiana Strizh
V.V. Trofimov
Valery Mitsyn
Victor Zhiltsov
(Lead Engineer)
Vladimir Korenkov