Sep 25 – 29, 2017
Montenegro, Budva, Becici
Europe/Podgorica timezone

Service Reliability with the Cloud of Data Centers under Openstack

Sep 28, 2017, 4:40 PM
Conference Hall (Montenegro, Budva, Becici)

Conference Hall

Montenegro, Budva, Becici

Splendid Conference & SPA Resort, 85315 Becici, Montenegro Hotel Splendid
Sectional Distributed Computing. GRID & Cloud Computing Distributed Computing. GRID & Cloud computing


Mr andrey shevel (PNPI, ITMO)


University ITMO ( is developing the cloud of geographically distributed data centers under Openstack. The term “geographically distributed” in our proposal means data centers (DC) located in different places far from each other by hundred or thousand kilometers. Authors follow the conception of “dark” DC, i.e the DC has to perform normal operation without permanent maintainers even with minor problems (single machine or a number of disk drives went down). Periodically staff might visit the DC and fix the problems. It helps to reduce the overall maintenance cost for cloud of DC if reliable operation schema would be implemented. The proposal includes many aspects. In between the topics: the network architecture and features, main storage engine, …, service reliability. The last one is probably most important. Authors plan to describe thoughts and experiments with service reliability for geographically distributed data centers under Openstack. In particular it is planned to discuss Openstack deployment configurations and failover recovery tools.

Primary author

Mr andrey shevel (PNPI, ITMO)


Presentation materials