25–29 Apr 2022
Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
Europe/Moscow timezone
The upcoming CMR@IBR-2 Conference held ONLINE. Join us in Zoom via this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89016653462?pwd=T3piVnd3R3pHMTZqUGJlOEZ3UlZyUT09



The topics of the Conference will highlight results of interdisciplinary research and development of neutron instruments and techniques, including:

​-  Functional and nanostructured materials;

-  Magnetic colloid systems;

-  Layered magnetic nanostructures;

-  Carbon nanostructures;

-  Materials under extreme conditions;

- Soft condensed matter (biological nanosystems,       lipid membranes, polymers);

-  Lattice and molecular dynamics of materials;

-  Texture and properties of rocks and minerals;

-  Residual stresses in materials and products;

-  Neutron imaging;

-  Development of IBR-2 instruments;

-  Development of neutron scattering techniques and detectors;

-  Application of complementary techniques in condensed matter research.