COMPASS Production System: Processing on HPC

Sep 13, 2018, 4:00 PM


Sectional reports 3. Middleware and services for production-quality infrastructures 3. Middleware and services for production-quality infrastructures


Mr Artem Petrosyan (JINR)


Since the fall of 2017 COMPASS processes data on heterogeneous computing environment, which includes computing resources at CERN and JINR. Computing sites of the infrastructure work under management of workload management system called PanDA (Production and Distributed Analysis System). At the end of December 2017, integration of BlueWaters HPC to run COMPASS production jobs has begun. Despite an ordinary computing site, each HPC has many specific features, which make it unique, such as: hardware, batch system type, job submission and user policies, et cetera. That is why there is no ready solution out of the box for any HPC, development and adaptation is needed in each particular case. PanDA Pilot has a version for processing on HPCs, called Multi-Job Pilot, which was prepared to run simulation jobs for ATLAS. To run COMPASS production jobs, an extension of Multi-Job Pilot was performed. Details of the new computing resource integration into COMPASS Production System are described in the report.

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