Danila Oleynik
9/11/18, 1:30 PM
Sectional reports
The Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) is one of the most powerful HPC centers available to researchers from different scientific fields to solve some of the world’s most challenging scientific problems. Small scientific groups often need to develop expertise to optimize their applications for running on Titan, and to fit the usage policies of such big machines. We have installed...
Andrey Ivanov
(Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)
9/11/18, 1:45 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
We consider well known cache optimization techniques to find the most efficient one when applied to grid-characteristic method. Grid-characteristic method is used to solve elastic wave equation. Elastic wave equation is hyperbolic system of equations inferred from model of linear elastic material, which describes propagation of elastic waves in deformable rigid bodies. The solution to this...
Eduard Nikonov
9/11/18, 2:00 PM
Sectional reports
Theoretical and experimental investigations of water vapor interaction with porous materials are very needful for various fields of science and tech-nology. Not only studies of the interaction of water vapor and porous material as a continuous medium, but also the study of the interaction of water vapor with individual pore is very important in these researches. Mathematical mod-eling occupies...
Andrey Kamenshchikov
(Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences)
9/11/18, 2:15 PM
Sectional reports
As it is known, at the present time worldwide there is a transition to the so called FOURTH PARADIGM in the methods and means of scientific researches [1]. The essence of the FOURTH PARADIGM is the intensive use of information technologies for the simultaneous using of large amounts of experimental data, numerical simulation results and accumulated knowledge. It is obvious that this requires...
Grigore Secrieru
9/11/18, 2:30 PM
Sectional reports
The article is devoted to the analysis of approaches and solutions for the development and use of the electronic infrastructure for offering srvices to science and education in the Republic of Moldova. In the paper is considering of trends in the development of the electronic infrastructure and services in the national network RENAM, which provides effective information support for basic...
Alexander Uzhinskiy
9/11/18, 2:45 PM
11. Big data Analytics, Machine learning
Sectional reports
The aim of our research is to facilitate the detection and preventing diseases of agricultural plants by combining deep learning and programming services. The idea is to develop multifunctional platform for plant disease detection (PDD) that will use modern organization and deep learning technologies to provide new level of service to farmer’s community. Web-platform for PDD consists of a set...
Vladimir Bezrodny
(Mari State University)
9/11/18, 3:30 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Синтезирование апертуры представляет собой технический прием, позволяющий существенно повысить разрешающую способность радиолокатора в поперечном относительно направления полета направлении и получить детальное изображение радиолокационной карты местности, над которой совершает полет ЛА [1]. Для моделирования отражения сигнала от поверхности используется фацетная модель поверхности,...
Андрей Илюхин
(Dubna International University)
9/11/18, 3:45 PM
4. Scientific, industry and business applications in distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Интернет находится в центре революций: централизованные проприетарные сервисы подвергаются замене на их децентрализованные аналоги со свободными лицензиями; доверенные третьи стороны юридических и финансовых договоров заменяются верифицируемыми вычислениями; неэффективные монолитные сервисы уступают место одноранговым алгоритмическим рынкам. Bitcoin, Ethereum и другие сети, фундаментом которых...
Evgenia Popova
(Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation), Prof.
eugene shchetinin
(Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)
9/11/18, 4:00 PM
Sectional reports
Интеллектуальные технологии энергосбережения и энергоэффективности являются со-временным масштабным мировым трендом не только в развитии энергетических систем, но и в строительном, девелоперском бизнесе. Спрос на «умные» здания растет не только в мире, но и в России, прежде всего на рынке строительства и эксплуатации крупных бизнес-центров, торгово-развлекательных центров и др....
Алексей Перевозчиков,
Евгений Максимов
9/11/18, 4:15 PM