Nikolay Khrapov
(Institute for Information Transmission Problems)
9/10/18, 1:30 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
Currently, the BOINC system [1] is the most well-known voluntary computing system. Many researchers use BOINC to solve scientific problems. The BOINC software allows them to automate the process of sending tasks to the computing node, starting it and returning the results. To solve many scientific problems, the BOINC system requires additional software.
The need for integration of the BOINC...
Ilya Kurochkin
9/10/18, 1:45 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
Results of activity of the Russian Chapter of International Desktop Grid Federation (IDGF) are considered. Including interaction with community of the russian volunteers (crunchers), start new and support of the existing projects of the volunteer distributed computing.
Ilya Kurochkin
9/10/18, 2:00 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
The paper presents an overview of modern methods for task scheduling in desktop grid systems, estimates of the quality of methods, including: the time of execution of all tasks, the level of resource utilization. Heuristic approach to task scheduling is considered, which allows ensuring high performance and reliability of such systems at the early stages of development. A comparative analysis...
Oleg Sukhoroslov
9/10/18, 2:15 PM
1. Technologies, architectures, models of distributed computing systems
Sectional reports
Distributed computing systems are widely used for execution of loosely coupled many-task applications. There are two important classes of such applications. Bag-of-tasks applications, e.g., parameter sweeps or Monte Carlo simulations, represent a set of independent tasks. Workflows, which are used for automation of complex computational and data processing pipelines, consist of multiple tasks...
Victor Tishchenko
(RCF "Computer Science and Control" RAS)
9/10/18, 3:00 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
The paper shows the emergence of a new form of online scientific collaboration, the collaborative networks of volunteer computing (VC) participants. And it examines what makes a collaborative VC-project successful and determines the formation of VC-community. We report on data from a statistic online study of volunteers’ activities and an online survey of VC-participants on several online...
Oleg Zaikin
(Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory SB RAS)
9/10/18, 3:15 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
The BOINC-based volunteer computing project Acoustics@home was employed to study the accuracy of the sound speed profile reconstruction in a shallow-water waveguide using a dispersion-based geoacoustic inversion scheme. This problem was transformed into a problem of black-box minimization of a certain mismatch function. According to the first approach, a sound speed profile is considered a...
Oleg Sukhoroslov
Sergey Vostokin
(Samara National Research University)
9/10/18, 3:30 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
Целью исследования была экспериментальная проверка технологии автоматизированной разработки приложений с динамически формируемым графом зависимостей между задачами для вычислений в грид-среде настольных компьютеров организации. Данный тип вычислений привлекателен с точки зрения минимума аппаратных затрат, но остается сложным как для программирования, так и для развертывания.
Eduard Vatutin
(Southwest State University)
9/10/18, 3:45 PM
7. Desktop grid technologies and volunteer computing
Sectional reports
The search for pairs of orthogonal diagonal Latin squares (ODLS) is a hard-combinatorial problem [1]. According to the Euler-Parker approach, a set of diagonal transversals is constructed for a given DLS of order N. If a subset of N non-overlapping transversals is found, then an orthogonal mate for the DLS can be easily constructed. According to some estimations, only 1 DLS of order 10 out of...