Viktor Kotliar
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
The information flow should be monitored on anomaly detection. It is important, because it allows
you to see a possible problem in advance and prevent it from turning into a real one. A huge flow of
diverse data within the modern computing center flows from everywhere. As a rule, these are time
series - numerical characteristics that are consistently measured after some time intervals.
Andrey Nechaevskiy
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
An efficient representation and implementation of image are necessary, as a digital image is an approximation of some real situation, and carries some uncertainty. In order to deal with this uncertainty we need appropriate image model, which also enable image processing without losing the information regarding the uncertainty. Interval arithmetic techniques appear as a good option for handling...
Elena Nurmatova
(University “Dubna”, Protvino branch)
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
The questions of constructing optimal logical structure of a distributed database (DDB) are considered. Solving these issues will make it possible to increase the speed of processing requests in DDB in comparison with a traditional database. Optimal logical structure of DDB will ensure the efficiency of the information system on computational resources. The problem of constructing an optimal...
Yuliya Kazarina
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
In the frame of the Karlsruhe-Russian Astroparticle Data Life Cycle Initiative it was proposed to deploy an educational resource for the training of students and graduate students in the field of astroparticle physics. This resource is based on HUBzero, which is an open-source software platform for building powerful websites, which supports scientific discovery, learning,...
Zafar Tukhliev
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
Hamiltonian systems arise in natural sciences and are used as mathematical models for many practical problems. Due to their wide applications, a large class of numerical methods, usually symplectic ones, has been developed. The most commonly used is Verlet method which is second order, fast, and simple to implement. Here we consider a novel idea proposed and developed in [1]. It is based on...
Nataliia Kulabukhova
(Saint Petersburg State University)
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
The challenge is to teach how to drive a vehicle without human with
the help of deep learning power using visual data from the cameras installed on the machine. The problem is to process the amount of data in the real time. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are used for training data. And the idea of how to use CNNs on graphical processing units is described.
Javad Javadzade
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
This project is devoted to monitoring and analyzing the labour market based on the publicly available data on job offers, CVs and companies gathered from open data projects and recruitment agencies.
The relevance of project is that some work areas have already overcrowded, some are outdated or some may have a little need for new workers, and some new and growing industries will offer good...
Viktor Kotliar
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
Every day IHEP central computing cluster produce thousands of calculations related to research
activities, both IHEP and GRID experiments. A lot of machine resources are expended on this work.
So, we can estimate the size of the spent resources used for all types of tasks, make decisions for
changing cluster configuration and to do the forecast for the work of the computer center in...
Viktor Kotliar
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
Dealing with cluster-systems you have multiple ordinary situations which can be solved using
automation tools. Stackstorm is a quite good event-driven system which helps to manage typical
problems and to communicate with cluster via chat-ops extension. Just write a rule for such eventand it will be triggered and solved. In the presented work will be shown an example of a real event-
Mikhail Malkov
(RSC Group)
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
The poster covers methods and tools, developed within the RSC BasIS
datacenter management platform: key benefits of a micro agent approach
in solving the problem of the lack of connectivity between different
layers in datacenter management and automation; architecture overview
and use case examples.
We would like to share our operating experience of RSC BasIS Platform
and discuss plans...
Mikhail Malkov
(RSC Group)
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
This poster describes the benefits of using a hyperconverged approach to
build next-gen high performance computer clusters.
We will cover the need for storage and compute convergency and its
advantages over existing architectures; present our results, use case
scenarios and the achieved efficiency of the system, which enabled the
new JINR supercomputer built with the RSC hyper-converged...
Дарья Пряхина
Дмитрий Маров
(Университет "Дубна")
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
The data storage and processing systems simulation program "SyMSim" was developed at the Laboratory of Information Technologies of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The input parameters and the simulation results are stored in a database. A web service was developed to interact with the program, but it has some disadvantages.
- there are no examples of program operation and guest...
Veniamin Chupritskiy
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
This paper describes the algorithm for the numerical solution of the diffraction problem of waveguide modes at the joint point of two open planar waveguides. For the planar structures under consideration, we can formulate a scalar diffraction problem, which is a boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation with a variable coefficient in two-dimensional space.
The problem on the...
Nikita Nizovtsov
(Saint-Petersburg State University)
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
8. High performance computing, CPU architectures, GPU, FPGA
Sectional reports
In the report application of porting optimization on heteregeneous systems in the field of wave propagation modelling is discussed. Also, reviews of organization of computing in frame of OpenFOAM package and estimations of effectiveness of application porting on heteregeneous systems are given for the wave propagation problem in fluid. Evaluations of the difficulty and time required for...
Svetlana Shikota
(Science Center in Chernogolovka)
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
Платформа TensorFlow является одним из наиболее развитых наборов программных продуктов с открытым кодом для задач машинного обучения. С другой стороны, рабочие станции на базе процессоров Intel® Xeon® Platinum представляются перспективным аппаратным решением для задач машинного обучения. Их отличительная черта состоит в комбинации из трех важных элементов. Во-первых, это большое число тяжелых...
Mikhail Naumenko
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
The structure of lithium isotopes and nuclear reactions with their participation are extensively studied both experimentally and theoretically. In this work, the wave functions of the ground states of few-body nuclei 6,7,9,11Li are calculated by Feynman’s continual integrals method in Euclidean time. The algorithm of parallel calculations was implemented in C++ programming language using...
Dmitry Zinchenko
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
At present, the accelerator complex NICA [1] is being built at JINR (Dubna). It is intended for performing experiments to study interactions of relativistic nuclei and polarized particles (protons and deuterons). One of the experimental facilities MPD (MultiPurpose Detector) [2] was designed to investigate nucleus-nucleus, proton-nucleus and proton-proton interactions.
Preparation of the...
Migran Gevorkyan
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
Pseudorandom uniform distributed number generators are used in many fields of science and technology [1]. It is very important to test the quality of pseudo-random sequence produced by an algorithm. An overview of a large number of criteria for testing the quality of the sequence produced by pseudo-random generators can be found in the third chapter of [2], as well as in the article [3]. One...
Konstantin Shefov
(Saint Petersburg State University)
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
Strongin's multifactorial global search algorithm (MGSA) allows one to find an absolute minimum of a function of multiple variables on a mesh. In this contribution a parallel program is presented that implements the algorithm above applied to ReaxFF MD force field parameter search.
The MGSA converges the faster, the greater number of mesh points have computed target function value in them. In...
Stepanova Margarita
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
In a wide range of modern problems, it is required to estimate an influence of uncertainty of input parameters on uncertainty of an output value of a modeling function. In this contribution, we present algorithms for analyzing the sensitivity of a target function with respect to parameters in the problem of optimization of ReaxFF molecular-dynamic force field. In this particular case it...
Andrey Drevitskiy
(Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia)
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
In this paper the algorithm of finding eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the leaky modes in a three-layer planar dielectric waveguide is considered. The problem on the eigenmodes of open three-layer waveguides is formulated as the Sturm-Liouville problem with the corresponding boundary and asymptotic conditions. In the case of guided and radiation modes of open waveguides, the Sturm-Liouville...
Elena Korosteleva
(Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University)
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
The exponential growth of the amount of astroparticle data is expected to happen in near future. This trend gives rise to a number of emerging issues of big data management. One of the important issues is how to describe and verify raw binary data to support their availability and reuse in future. The present work demonstrates a possible solution for this issue in application to data of TAIGA...
Sergey Poluyan
(Dubna State University)
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
In this work, we study evolutionary optimization algorithms for solving the problems in structural bioinformatics: prediction of three-dimensional peptide structure from amino acid sequence and peptide-protein docking. We provide a way of using evolutionary optimization algorithms based on using quantile functions. The used schemes for building and using of the quantile functions were...
Sergey Poluyan
(Dubna State University)
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
Работа посвящена вопросам крупно-блочной параллельной реализации методов эволюционной и роевой оптимизации на примере решения задачи минимизации функций действительного аргумента. Рассматривается субпопуляционная схема распараллеливания. Предлагается классификация паттернов параллельного взаимодействия субпопуляций, выполненная на основе анализа ряда методов рассматриваемого класса....
Andrey Shevchenko
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
Когнитивно-интеллектуальная система адаптации и обучения детей-аутистов предназначена для извлечения, обработки и формирования программы обучения на основе когнитивных процессов, в частности ЭЭГ сигналов, адаптации детей- аутистов к социуму и обучения базовым бытовым навыкам. Основной частью КИСДАОДА является модуль обработки данных.
Модуль обработки данных представляет собой структуру...
Alla Mamaeva
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
Когнитивно-интеллектуальная система адаптации и обучения детей-аутистов предназначена для извлечения, обработки и формирования программы обучения на основе когнитивных процессов, в частности ЭЭГ сигналов, адаптации детей- аутистов к социуму и обучения базовым бытовым навыкам.
Рассмотрена и проанализирована возможность программной реализации определения уровня эмоционального возбуждения....
Денис Кравченко
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
Для решения задач распознавания образов применяют методы машинного обучения, одним из которых являются искусственные нейронные сети (ИНС). Их реализация была подсмотрена у природы и похожа на сети нервных клеток живого организма. Работа ИНС повторяет некоторые функции головного мозга и делится на два этапа: обучение нейронной сети, которое позволяет ей выстраивать собственные правила с помощью...
Maxim Bystrov
(Dubna State University)
9/10/18, 4:00 PM
Poster presentations
Работа посвящена проблемам прогнозирования пространственной структуры белковых молекул, полипептидов и их комплексов. Предлагаемый нами метод основан на решении задачи оптимизации, в которой целевой функцией является потенциальная энергия молекулы, а параметрами оптимизации – длины связей между атомами и углы вращения. Главными особенностями таких задач является большая размерность и высокая...