JINR will provide transport per bus between Sheremetievo or Domodedovo international airports and the hotel (travel time: ca. 2 and 4 hrs respectively). The departure time of the bus will depend on flight arrival times.
3:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
9:00 PM
Welcome reception in the restaurant of hotel Dubna.
Welcome address – JINR Director. Academician Victor A. Matveev.15m
8:25 AM
Krzysztof Olendrzynski – Update from the Secretariat of the Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention.15m
8:40 AM
Harry Harmens et al. – Overview of the achievements of the ICP Vegetation in 2015 and future workplan (2016-2018).25m
9:05 AM
Walter Seidling – ICP Forests - platform for monitoring and research.20m
9:25 AM
Ilia Ilyin – Analysis of long-term trends of atmospheric heavy metal pollution in the EMEP countries based on moss survey data and modelling results.20m
9:50 AM
10:50 AM
Coffee/tea and poster viewing (with authors at poster)
10:50 AM
12:00 PM
Plenary session: Chair: Harry Harmens
10:50 AM
Marina Frontasyeva et al. – Information on the moss survey in 2015: some preliminary results.20m
11:10 AM
Gina Mills et al. – Preparations for ozone critical level workshop, autumn 2016, Spain and report from the epidemiology workshop.15m
11:25 AM
Ignacio González Fernández – Establishing critical levels for effects of ozone on biodiversity.15m
11:40 AM
Robert Šajn et al. – Applicability of artificial neural networks for predicting concentrations of chemical elements in various environments.20m
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
2:30 PM
Moss survey: Moss survey in the EECCA region. Chair: Eiliv Steinnes
1:00 PM
Aleksander Alekseev – Spatial analysis of the area damaged by heavy metals released from smelter industrial plants: case study for Kola Peninsula, Murmansk region, Russia.20m
1:20 PM
Inga Zinicovscaia et al. – Multi-element atmospheric deposition study in the Republic of Moldova.20m
1:40 PM
Yulia Koroleva et al. – Trace elements accumulation by mosses, lichens and mushrooms in South-Eastern Baltic.20m
2:00 PM
Pavel Nekhoroshkov et al. – Atmospheric deposition of major and trace elements in the mountain Crimea studied by the moss biomonitoring technique.20m
2:20 PM
General discussion.10m
1:00 PM
2:30 PM
Ozone: Ozone effects on crops. Chair: Gina Mills
1:00 PM
Introduction to ozone sessions (Gina Mills) and introductions by participants.20m
1:20 PM
Kent Burkey et al. – Updates on studies on ozone-temperature interactions in the field.20m
1:40 PM
Vicky Bermejo et al. – O3-sensitivity of the Mediterranean Spanish bread wheat: from the old cultivars to the current market-dominant. Preliminary results.20m
2:00 PM
Ignacio González Fernández – Ozone effects on the marketable biomass of leafy crops under Mediterranean conditions.20m
2:20 PM
General discussion.10m
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
3:00 PM
4:30 PM
Moss survey: Improvements and making more use of the data. Chair: Aleksander Alekseev
3:00 PM
Lotti Thöni – Reduction of the number of sampling sites in Switzerland for the survey 2015.20m
3:20 PM
Emeline Lequy et al. – Assessment of the uncertainty associated with heavy metal concentrations in mosses measured in France (1996 to 2011).20m
3:40 PM
Mitja Skudnik et al. – Spatial interpolation of N concentrations and δ15N values in mosses collected within or outside the area of the canopy drip line.20m
4:00 PM
General discussion30m
3:00 PM
4:30 PM
Ozone: Global outreach activities - (1) Effects on food security. Chair: Vicky Bermejo
3:00 PM
Gina Mills et al. – Modelling the global impacts of ozone on wheat.20m
Moss survey: Mosses as biomonitors of radionuclides. Chair: Trajce Stafilov
8:00 AM
Eiliv Steinnes et al. – Use of mosses for monitoring atmospheric deposition of radionuclides – possibilities and limitations.20m
8:20 AM
Miodrag Krmar et al. – Spatial distribution of some radionuclides measured in mosses collected over large area.20m
8:40 AM
Zbigniew Ziembik et al. – Application of gamma spectrometry and compositional data analysis in estimation of atmospheric deposition.20m
9:00 AM
Grzegorz Kosior et al. – Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. as a bioindicator of heavy metal pollution and radionuclides in selected Polish National Parks.20m
9:20 AM
General discussion.10m
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
Ozone: Concentrations and effects. Chair: Klaudia Borowiak
8:00 AM
Pierre Sicard et al. – An epidemiological assessment of stomatal ozone flux-based critical levels for visible ozone injury in Southern European forests.20m
8:20 AM
Evgenios Agathokleous et al. – Growth, physiology and productivity of willow (Salix sachalinensis L.), an energy crop, exposed to ethylene di-urea under O3-enriched free air.40m
9:00 AM
Samia Madkour – Different bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes exhibit different modes of tolerance against ozone injury.20m
9:20 AM
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
Coffee/tea and poster viewing
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
Moss survey: Future activities and opportunities. Chair: Marina Frontasyeva
10:00 AM
Luca Paoli et al. - Do lichen bioaccumulation data tell the truth?20m
10:20 AM
Discussion on progress 2015/16 moss survey and future activities.1h 10m
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
Ozone: Global outreach activities - (2) Effects on carbon sequestration and biodiversity. Chair: Kent Burkey
10:00 AM
Mary Ramos – Ozone pollution in Central America.20m
10:20 AM
Sheikh Saeed Ahmad – Spatio-temporal analysis of atmospheric ozone based on GIS modelling in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, Pakistan.20m
10:40 AM
Gina Mills et al. – Impact of ozone on carbon sequestration and biodiversity, field-based evidence of ozone impacts.50m
11:30 AM
1:00 PM
1h 30m
1:00 PM
2:30 PM
Moss survey: Moss survey in South-Eastern Europe. Chair: Sébastien Leblond
1:00 PM
Trajce Stafilov et al. – Heavy metals air pollution study in mines environments. Case study Bregalnica river basin, Republic of Macedonia.20m
1:20 PM
Pranvera Lazo et al. – First Albanian moss biomonitoring survey and some future considerations.20m
1:40 PM
Agnes Balint et al. – Atmospheric deposition of heavy metals in „Óbuda” and „Margaret” Islands (Budapest, Hungary) tested by different mosses and ICP-OES.20m
2:00 PM
Claudia Stihi et al. – Moss survey 2010 in Romania. Results and perspectives.20m
2:20 PM
1:00 PM
2:30 PM
Ozone: Ozone: mapping of ozone risks. Chair: Gina Mills
1:00 PM
Harry Harmens – Mapping procedure within the Convention.20m
1:20 PM
Gina Mills – Mapping ecosystems at risk from ozone in the UK.20m
1:40 PM
Ignacio González Fernández – Mapping ecosystems at risk from ozone in Spain.20m
2:00 PM
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
Coffee/tea and poster viewing
3:00 PM
4:30 PM
Moss survey: Outreach. Chair: Mitja Skudnik
3:00 PM
Dinesh Saxena – Assessing airborne pollution by mosses as biomonitors - Long-term integrated monitoring of atmospheric metals (2000-2010).20m
3:20 PM
Discussion on further outreach opportunities.1h 10m
Reporting back from ozone and moss sessions;
Medium-term work plan ICP Vegetation 2016 – 2018;
Decisions and recommendations of the 29th Task Force Meeting;
30th ICP Vegetation Task Force Meeting;
Other business.
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
Coffee/tea, taking down posters
10:30 AM
10:31 AM
Departure bus to airports for those leaving on Thursday
Lunch will be provided for the journey on request.
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
12:00 PM
5:00 PM
Workshop on moss survey for EECCA countries (in Russian) and option for others to visit JINR.