Optimization of the computation of the multidimentional integrals for estimation of the meson lifetime

6 Jul 2021, 17:35
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Sectional reports 10. Distributed computing, HPC and ML for solving applied tasks Distributed computing, HPC and ML for solving applied tasks


Daviti Goderidze


To calculate the lifetime of mesons in hot and dense nuclear matter, it
is necessary to computate the 5-dimentional integrals with complicated
integrand function. This work presents algorithms and methods for
calculating complicated integrals based on the Monte-Carlo method. For
optimization of computation the algorithm of parallel calculations was
implemented in C++ programming language using OpenMP and NVIDIA CUDA
technology. Calculations were performed on nodes with multicore CPUs and
Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors and NVIDIA Tesla K40 accelerator installed
within the heterogeneous cluster of the Laboratory of Information
Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna. As a result
the lifetime of pion was calculated using all possible pion-pion
scattering reactions.

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