Short biography note
1. Akimov P.A., Belostotskiy A.M., Mozgaleva M.L., Mojtaba Aslami, Negrozov O.A. Correct Multilevel Discrete-Continual Finite Element Method of Structural Analysis. // Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1040 (2014), pp. 664-669.
2. Akimov P.A., Mozgaleva M.L. Method of Extended Domain and General Principles of Mesh Approximation for Boundary Problems of Structural Analysis. // Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 580-583 (2014), pp. 2898-2902.
3. Akimov P.A., Mozgaleva M.L., Mojtaba Aslami, Negrozov O.A. About Verification of Discrete-Continual Finite Element Method of Structural Analysis. Part 1: Two-Dimensional Problems // Procedia Engineering, Vol. 91 (2014), pp. 2-7.
4. Akimov P.A., Mozgaleva M.L., Negrozov O.A. About Verification of Discrete-Continual Finite Element Method for Two-Dimensional Problems of Structural Analysis. Part 1: Deep Beam with Constant Physical and Geometrical Parameters Along Basic Direction. // Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 1025-1026 (2014), pp. 89-94.
5. Akimov P.A., Mozgaleva M.L., Negrozov O.A. About Verification of Discrete-Continual Finite Element Method for Two-Dimensional Problems of Structural Analysis. Part 2: Deep Beam with Piecewise Constant Physical and Geometrical Parameters Along Basic Direction. // Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 1025-1026 (2014), pp. 95-103.
6. Akimov P.A., Mozgaleva M.L., Sidorov V.N. About Verification of Discrete-Continual Finite Element Method of Structural Analysis. Part 2: Three-Dimensional Problems // Procedia Engineering, Vol. 91 (2014), pp.14-19.
7. Akimov P.A., Sidorov V.N. Correct Method of Analytical Solution of Multipoint Boundary Problems of Structural Analysis for Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations with Piecewise Constant Coefficients. // Advanced Materials Research Vols. 250-253, 2011, pp. 3652-3655.
8. Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor R.L. The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics. Volume 2. Butterworth-Heinemann, Sixth Edition, 2005, 736 pages.