Victor Matveev
7/3/17, 9:00 AM
Paolo Carloni
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
7/3/17, 9:30 AM
Molecular dynamics simulations of proteins may differ by the granularity of the underlying force fields (from quantum to coarse grain). At times, it is very useful to combine different descriptions in a hybrid description. Here I will present recent hybrid Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics (QM/MM) – and MM/coarse grain (CG) based investigations of targets for pharmaceutical intervention....
Vladimir Voevodin
(Lomonosov Moscow State University, Research Computing Center)
7/3/17, 10:00 AM
Boris Chetverushkin
(Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia)
7/3/17, 11:00 AM
New approach to an obtaining of the equations of magnetic gas dynamics is offered. This approach is based on complex-valued locally Maxwellian distribution function. By means of the approach the equations of ideal magnetic gas dynamics are received. The analog of quasidynamic system of the equations is also constructed, describing magnetic and gasdynamic processes taking into account...
Raytcho Lazarov
(Texas A&M University)
7/3/17, 11:30 AM
First, we shall make a short introduction the concepts of fractional calculus and differential equations of fractional order that include both, steady-state and time dependent problems. This type of problems arise in mathematical modeling of asymmetric super-diffusion processes in highly heterogeneous media.
Further, we shall present variational formulations of Petrov-Galerkin type for...
Alexander Belostotsky
(Scientific Research Center “StaDyO”)
7/3/17, 1:30 PM
The following contemporary problems of mathematical modelling of unique structures, buildings and complexes are under consideration: modeling of interaction of buildings and structures with a foundation with allowance for real properties, stage-by-stage construction and actual operation history; structural analysis with allowance for physical, geometrical and other nonlinearities; structural...
Alexander Kryanev
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research), Mr
David Udumyan
(Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, University of Miami), Mr
(PFUR), Mr
Victor Ivanov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
7/3/17, 1:30 PM
We consider a problem of extrapolating functions of several variables. It is assumed that the values of the function of m variables are given at a finite number of points in some domain D of the m-dimensional space. It is required to restore the value of the function at the points outside the domain D. To solve the extrapolation problem, we propose a scheme which is based on a metric analysis...
Alexander Degtyarev
7/3/17, 1:30 PM
Stages of direct computational experiments in hydrodynamics based on tensor mathematics tools are represented by conditionally independent mathematical models for calculations separation in accordance with physical processes [1]. Continual stage of numerical modeling is constructed on a small time interval in a stationary grid space. Here coordination of continuity conditions and energy...
Alexandr Egorov
(Institute of Mathematics National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)
7/3/17, 1:45 PM
The report is devoted to numerical evaluation of mathematical expectations of functionals defined on trajectories of stochastic processes. Our approach is to use quadrature formulas exact for functional polynomials of the trajectories of the process, as it was considered in [1,2]. Construction of this type of formulas is strongly dependent on way of giving the stochastic process. In [1,2] the...
Evgeny Perepelkin
7/3/17, 1:45 PM
The formula¬tion of the boundary value problem arises in magnitostatics when finding the mag¬netic field distribution by the method of two scalar potentials in the domain com¬prising ferromagnetic and vacuum. The problem nonlinearity is stipulated by the dependence of the medium properties (magnetic permeability) on the solution to be found. In connection with that the solution of such a...
Aleksandr Tarelkin
(Moscow State University)
7/3/17, 2:00 PM
A magnetostatic problem arises in searching for the distribution of the magnetic field generated by magnet systems of many physics research facilities, e.g., accelerators. The domain in which the boundary-value problem is solved often has a piecewise smooth boundary. In this case, numerical calculations of the problem require the consideration of the solution behavior in the corner...
Bijan Saha
(Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
7/3/17, 2:00 PM
Within the scope of non-diagonal Bianchi cosmological models we have
studied the role of spinor field in the evolution of the Universe.
Unlike in diagonal Bianchi models such as I, III, V, VI0
and VI where spinor field distribution along the main axis is
isotropic and becomes zero for linear spinor field, in case
(non-diagonal) Bianchi models such as II, VIII and IX, spinor
I. Afanasyeva
(Joint-Stock Company “Scientific-Research Centre “StaDyO”, Moscow, Russia)
7/3/17, 2:00 PM
Aerohydrodynamics and aerohydroelasticity problems (also known as Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) problems) cause big and uninterrupted interest in science, industry, biomedicine and other applications. Preconditions for a detailed study of the nature of aerohydrodelasticity and the search for methods that let to predict consequences of strong wind impact and solve coupled problems related...
Denis Suchkov
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
7/3/17, 2:15 PM
This paper is devoted to the study of entropy of a system of many particles with gravitational interaction. The study of entropy behavior is based on the Vlasov kinetic equation, using both numerical and exact solution. In view of the special laboriousness of the computation, parallel algorithms using CUDA technology are implemented in this paper. A parallel algorithm for solving the Vlasov...
Igor Bogolubsky
(JINR, Dubna)
7/3/17, 2:15 PM
We extract effective gluon mass from zero-momentum gluon correlators in the SU(2) lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). Lattice simulations of these correlators have been done both for (i) periodic and (ii) so-called "open" boundary conditions. We found that
the results for effective mass obtained in cases (i) and (ii) get closer when the lattice size increases. Nonzero effective gluon mass...
Oleg Negrozov
(National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering), Prof.
Pavel Akimov
(Scientific Research Center “StaDyO”)
7/3/17, 2:15 PM
Development, research and verification of correct mathematical models and methods of structural mechanics are the most important aspects of ensuring safety of structures and buildings. Finite element method (FEM) is the most popular method of structural analysis. The field of application of discrete-continual finite element method (DCFEM) comprises structures with regular (in particular,...
Mikhail Naumenko
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
7/3/17, 2:30 PM
Modern parallel computing algorithm has been applied to the solution of the few-body problem. The approach is based on Feynman’s continual integrals method implemented in C++ programming language using NVIDIA CUDA technology. Calculations were performed on the NVIDIA Tesla K40 accelerator installed within the heterogeneous cluster of the Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute...
(Institute of Physics, Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Kosice, Slovak Republic; Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
7/3/17, 2:30 PM
The first three corrections to the bound state energy, separation constants, and wavefunctions of hydrogen-like ion in the field of remote ($R \gg 1$) point charge are calculated by means of the modified perturbation theory. The consistent scheme for obtaining WKB expansions for solutions of the quasiangular equation in quantum mechanical two-Coulomb-centre problem $Z_1eZ_2$ is developed....
Marina Mozgaleva
(National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering), Prof.
Pavel Akimov
(Scientific Research Center “StaDyO”)
7/3/17, 2:30 PM
Numerical or semianalytical solution of problems of structural mechanics with immense number of unknowns is time-consuming process. High-accuracy solution at all points of the model is not required normally, it is necessary to find only the most accurate solution in some pre-known domains. The choice of these domains is a priori data with respect to the structure being modeled. Designers...
Alexandru Parvan
7/3/17, 2:45 PM
The exact analytical lattice results for the partition function of the free neutral scalar field in one spatial dimension in both the configuration and the momentum space were obtained in the framework of the path integral method. The symmetric square matrices of the bilinear forms on the vector space of fields in both configuration space and momentum space were found explicitly. The exact...
Mária Popovičová
(University of Presov, Presov, Slovakia)
7/3/17, 2:45 PM
One of the varieties of pores, often found in natural or artificial building materials, are the so-called blind pores of dead-end or saccate type. Three-dimensional model of such kind of pore has been developed in this work. This model has been used for simulation of water vapor interaction with individual pore by molecular dynamic method [1]. Special investigations have been done to find...
A Aksenov
(TESIS Ltd, Moscow, Russia)
7/3/17, 2:45 PM
FlowVision software is designed for automation of engineering calculations in industrial computational fluid dynamics (CFD). It has a capability to solve complex non-tradition problems involving different physical processes. The paradigm of complete automation of labor-intensive and time-taking processes like grid generation makes FlowVision attractive for many engineers. FlowVision includes...
Martin Menkyna
(Slovak Academy of Sciences)
7/3/17, 3:30 PM
The field theoretic renormalization group and the operator product expansion are used for the investigation of the inertial-range anomalous scaling behaviour of the single-time correlation functions of the weak magnetic field within the framework of the compressible Kazantsev-Kraichnan rapid change model with spatial parity violation of the corresponding conductive turbulent environment....
Ilyas Ishmukhamedov
7/3/17, 3:30 PM
We present an efficient computational scheme to integrate the time-dependent three-dimensional Schroedinger equation. The time-evolution operator is calculated with a second order split-operator technique and spatial derivatives are approximated with a sixth-order finite-difference method.
The efficiency of our implicit scheme is demonstrated in comparison with a high-order direct method...
Nikolay Taran
(Moscow Aviation Institute)
7/3/17, 3:30 PM
The beams are typical elements of complex mechanical systems. Vibrations of beams are modeled by initial boundary problems for the forth order partial differential equation, where initial conditions are considered as non-desirable perturbations and right parts of the equation as a control function. In this report we investigate the possibility of numerical damping non-desirable vibrations for...
Algirdas Deveikis
(Dr., Assoc. Prof., Department of Applied Informatics, Vytautas Magnus University, Vileikos 8, LT-44404, Kaunas, Lithuania)
7/3/17, 3:45 PM
The new harmonic oscillator (HO) expansion method [1] is applied to calculate non-relativistic ground state energy of a number of Coulomb three-particle systems with two identical particles for up to 28 excitation HO quanta. The novelty of the method is the introduction of different size parameters in the Jacobi coordinates instead of only one unique oscillator length parameter in the...
Igor Bakholdin
(Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics)
7/3/17, 3:45 PM
Different models of tube with hyper elastic walls are investigated. They are tube with controlled pressure, tube filled by incompressible fluid, tube filled by compressible gas. Complete membrane model and non-linear hyper elastic model are used for walls of tube. Linear model of plate is used in order to take bending resistance of walls into account. Equations are solved numerically. Walls...
Sarlota Birnsteinova
7/3/17, 3:45 PM
Critical behaviour of directed bond percolation is studied in presence of an advective velocity field [1,2]. The velocity field is modeled by Kraichnan ensemble [3]: time-decorrelated compressible Gaussian velocity field. The model is studied by means of field-theoretic approach. Renormalization group (RG) method is used in order to analyse asymptotic large-scale behaviour of the model near...
Marina Trapeznikova
(Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS)
7/3/17, 4:00 PM
Development of mathematical fundamentals and software for simulation of complex fluid flows in the subsurface is one of urgent tendencies of industrial mathematics. Among applications of such flow modeling there are oil-and-gas industry problems, in particular, the development of perspective hydrocarbon recovery technologies, as well as ecological problems concerning the soil and groundwater...
Lukas Mizisin
(JINR Dubna, Pavol Josef Safarik University in Kosice)
7/3/17, 4:00 PM
Universal quantities (anomalous dimensions and critical exponents) of directed bond percolation are calculated by the renormalization group method in higher order perturbation theory. We put forward a renormalization procedure for a numerical calculation in which the quantities are expressed in terms of irreducible renormalized Feynman diagrams. The procedure is based on the perturbative...
Antonina Chechina
(Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS)
7/3/17, 4:15 PM
The paper deals with mathematical modelling of traffic flows on urban road networks. The presented model relates to microscopic approach, i. e. each car is considered separately and is described by its own set of parameters.
The model is based on cellular automata theory and presents generalization of Nagel-Schreckenberg model [1] to a multilane case [2]. The computational domain is a 2D...
Leonid Yanovich
(Institute of Mathematics National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)
7/3/17, 4:15 PM
\def\address#1#2{\begin{center}\small\emph{#1}\\E-mail: \texttt{#2}\end{center}}
\def\refname{{\small References}}
\title{\textsc{On Interpolational ...
Nugzar Makhaldiani
7/3/17, 4:15 PM
Concise introduction in RD and GAF with some applications.
Artem Bekzhanov
Serge Bondarenko
7/3/17, 4:30 PM
The method of construction of bound systems (deuteron, pion) based on the separable kernels of interaction is discussed. Also the work describes а way of studying the EM characteristics of such the systems, including elastic form factors. The questions of gauge-invarience are discussed. Comparison with the experimental data is carried out.
Aleksandr Egorov
(A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences)
7/3/17, 4:30 PM
Two-dimensional model of Fredericks effect was used for the investigation of the static electric field influence on nematic liquid crystal director orientation in the side–electrode cell. The solutions were obtained by finite-difference methods. The programs for numerical solution of two-dimensional parabolic partial differential equation were developed by using both FORTRAN and C++....
Alina Volokhova
7/3/17, 4:30 PM
A method and a complex of computer programs are developed for the numerical solution of the system of nonlinear partial differential equations describing a formation of the polaron states in condensed media [1,2]. Parallel implementation is based on the MPI technique and on the utilizing of the partition algorithm [3].
Numerical simulation of the photoexcited electron states formation in...
Sergei Khruschev
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
7/3/17, 4:45 PM
The behavior of various systems in living and nonliving matter may be characterized mathematically by a linear combination of exponential functions. Many types of scientific experiments are often conducted in such a way that changes in some characteristic variable in response to some perturbation are recorded. These measurements yield data referred to as a signal. Assuming the signal by its...
Michal Hnatič
(Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Faculty of Science, P.J. Safarik University, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
7/3/17, 4:45 PM
Non- perturbative Renormalization Group ( NPRG ) technique is applied to a stochastical model of non-conserved scalar order parameter near its critical point, subject to turbulent advection .
The compressible advecting flow is modelled by a random Gaussian velocity field with zero mean and correlation function $\langle \upsilon_j \, \upsilon_i \rangle \sim
(P_{j i}^{\perp} + \alpha...
Mikhail Raportirenko
(Dubna State University)
7/3/17, 5:00 PM
The work is devoted to the development of algorithms for control of robot swarms. The complexity of this problem lies in the fact that we should program the behavior (identical) of the individual robot, and the programming goal is the collective behavior of the entire swarm. At the same time, there are a number of search-type problems, for example, the problem of finding the source of...
Sergey Postnov
(V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences)
7/3/17, 5:00 PM
Linear time-invariant fractional-order systems with lumped parameters considered in several cases, which differ from each other by fractional derivative type in system dynamics equation. The Caputo, Riemann-Liouville and Hadamard derivatives used. Two kinds of optimal control problem are investigated: the problem of control with minimal norm and the problem of control with minimal time at...
Maxim Bystrov
(Dubna State University)
7/3/17, 5:00 PM
Our research is related to the problems of predicting the spatial structure of polypeptide molecules and their complexes. Our approach is based on the solution of the corresponding optimization problem, in which the objective function is the potential energy of the corresponding atomic ensemble, and the parameters of optimization are such geometric characteristics as bond lengths, valence and...
Zhanlav Tugal
(Institute of Mathematics, National University of Mongolia)
7/3/17, 5:00 PM
In this paper we propose a generating function's method for constructing new two and three-point iterations with $p\ (3\leq p\leq8)$ order of convergence. This approach allows us to derive a new family of optimal order iterative methods that includes well known methods as a special cases. The necessary and sufficient conditions for $p$-th order convergence of proposed iterations are given in...
Ivan Georgiev
7/3/17, 5:00 PM
Arterial aneurysms are dilations of arterial walls that can grow over time and, in case of rupture leads to dangerous hemorrhage.
Computer simulations of the blood flow and its interaction with the surrounding vessel tissue enables physicians to estimate rupture
risks by calculating the distribution of blood pressure, velocity and wall stresses in the aneurysm, in order to support the...
Alexander Ayriyan
(Laboratory of Information Technologies, JINR)
7/3/17, 5:00 PM
Possible hadron-quark phase transition in the interior of the compact stars is one of actual question nuclear physics. Usually modeling of this transition are made with use of so called Maxwell construction, where the two phases assumed to be separated. However due to surface tension effects the mixer of phases could be thermodynamically more sufficient. We have suggested a simple model of...
Purevkhuu Munkhbaatar
(Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
7/3/17, 5:00 PM
We present an elegant method for calculation of complicated integrals by using the Mellin representation. In this paper, the passage to a complex plane plays a vital role in obtaining universal formulas for taking enormous number of integrals from sign variables functions.
Ivan Hristov
(University of Sofia / JINR)
7/3/17, 5:00 PM
A finite difference scheme for solving systems of 2D Sine-Gordon equations is constructed. A parallelization strategy with both thread and SIMD levels of parallelism is proposed and an OpenMP program is realized. The program is tested on two different Intel architectures: 2x Xeon E5-2695 v2 processors, (code-named “Ivy Bridge-EP”) in the Hybrilit cluster and on Xeon Phi 7250 processor...
Tsogtsaikhan Tsolmon
7/3/17, 5:00 PM
The problem of predicting the oscillations of the main thermodynamic parameters of the core in the first loop of the sodium cooling system of IBR-2M reactor is examined. Attention is focused mainly on the prediction of the temperature and sodium flow at the entry into the core as well as the thermal power. It is shown that the prediction makes it possible to reduce by a factor of 3 the...
Eu. Koval
7/3/17, 5:00 PM
Irina Martynova
7/3/17, 5:00 PM
Our work is devoted to the construction and numerical study of low-level models of urban traffic based on extended Petri nets. We describe the basic principles for constructing such models. We propose an algorithm for automatic conversion of a given graph description of a road network into a Petri net taking into account the resolution of conflict situations (on the basis of traffic rules). As...
Sumkhuu Davaasuren
7/3/17, 5:00 PM
The IBR-2M pulse reactor is characterized by a high level of reactivity fluctuations and, as a consequence, a high level of fluctuations in the regulated parameter-the amplitude of the power pulses. Fluctuations of the regulated parameter relative to the average level in the standard stabilization regime usually fall within the range of 20% with possible emissions up to 40%, which is close to...
Elena Postnova
(Institute of Control Sciences)
7/3/17, 5:00 PM
The problem of optimal motion control for one-dimensional and two-dimensional systems of fractional order is considered. To search the analytical solutions of the problem the method of moments was applied. The properties of optimal controls depending on the index of fractional index, the control time, initial and final conditions were analyzed.
Shushanik Torosyan
7/3/17, 5:00 PM
Natalia Puchkova
7/3/17, 5:00 PM
Within the framework of our project on modeling of urban transport traffic, we consider the following task. There is a mobile application that continuously records the geographic coordinates of the mobile device and data from its other sensors (for example, an accelerometer). These data form a "loaded" track - the trajectory of the movement of the device, the points of which are assigned...
Mikhail Ustinin
(Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics)
7/4/17, 8:00 AM
A method for the analysis of complex oscillating electrical systems was proposed [1], based on the multichannel measurements of magnetic field through the hundreds of seconds. Using whole registration time, the Fourier transform of the data is performed, leading to detailed spectra with many frequency components. Further analysis results in total decomposition of the system into functionally...
Victor Lakhno
(Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology of RAS, Pushchino, Russia)
7/4/17, 8:30 AM
Dynamical properties of electron motion in molecular chains are considered. The charge motion is described in terms of quantum mechanics, whereas vibrational degrees-of-freedom are treated both classically and quantum mechanically.
The dynamics of charge migration was modeled to calculate temperature dependencies of its thermodynamic equilibrium values such as energy and electronic heat...
Sergey Shirmovsky
(Theoretical and Nuclear Physics Cathedra, Far Eastern Federal University)
7/4/17, 9:00 AM
A model predicting the behavior of a hole acting on the DNA strand was investigated. The hole-DNA interaction on the basis of a quantum-classical, non-linear DNA single strand model was described. The fact that a DNA molecule is formed by a furanose ring as its sugar, phosphate group and bases was taken into consideration. Based on the model, results were obtained for the probability of a hole...
G. Vinogradov
(Tver State University, Tver, Russia)
7/4/17, 10:30 AM
The problem of constructing a choice model of an agent endogenously shaping purposes of his evolution is under debate. It is demonstrated that its solution requires the development of well-known methods of decision-making while taking into account the relation of action mode motivation to an agent's ambition to implement subjectively understood interests and the environment state. The latter...
Carlo Cannistraci
(Technische Universität Dresden)
7/4/17, 11:00 AM
The talk will present our research at the Biomedical Cybernetics Group that I established about three years ago in Dresden. We adopt a transdisciplinary approach integrating information theory, machine learning and network science to investigate the physics of adaptive processes that characterize complex interacting systems at different scales, from molecules to ecosystems, with a...
7/4/17, 11:30 AM
Modeling accurately biological damage induced by ionizing radiation at the scale of the DNA molecule remains a major challenge of today’s radiobiology research (1). In order to provide the community with an easily accessible mechanistic simulation platform, the general purpose and open source “Geant4” Monte Carlo simulation toolkit (2) is being extended in the framework of the...
Alexander Tsirulev
(Tver State University)
7/4/17, 1:30 PM
We present a new algorithm for computing covariant power expansions of tensor fields in generalized Riemannian normal coordinates introduced in some neighborhood of a parallelized k-dimensional embedded submanifold the case corresponds to a point. The algorithm is applicable for nonmetric connections, possibly with the torsion. The power series coefficients of an arbitrary real analytic...
Zafar Tukhliev
7/4/17, 1:30 PM
One of the promising and important areas in condensed matter physics is the study of the interaction of nanoclusters with various metallic targets [1]. When nanoclusters interact with a metal target in a small volume, there is a huge energy release per unit volume and this leads to structural changes. The origin of the structural changes can be a consequence of thermal processes or elastic...
Batmunkh Munkhbaatar
7/4/17, 1:30 PM
A quantitative study of early mechanisms of the central nervous system (CNS) disorders induced by high-energy heavy ions at the molecular and cellular levels is one of urgent problem of modern radiobiology. The present study is focused on the development of optimal models of neuronal morphology for Monte Carlo microdosimetry simulation of initial radiation-induced events of heavy charged...
Sergey Mikheev
(Tver State University)
7/4/17, 1:45 PM
The astrophysical data is indicative of the presence of a minimum period of rotation of millisecond pulsars. Now this period is 1.396648 ms.At that, the indicated value is reached long before pulsar destruction under the influence of centrifugal forces. This phenomenon is easily explained by the fast growth of angular momentum losses near the bifurcation point of pulsar configuration due to...
Nato Jiadze
(Ministry of Defense of Georgia), Prof.
Teimurazi Davitashvili
(. I.Vekua Institute of Applied mathematics of Tbilisi State University)
7/4/17, 1:45 PM
The main goal of this paper is investigation of some singularities and specific features of atmosphere flows above the complex terrain of the Georgian territory, for prediction a regional scale dangerous events (heavy rains, hails) formation by different cumulus parameterization (CPSs) and micro physics (MP) schemes. To achieve the specified goal, we have used 3-D non-hydrostatic,...
Batmunkh Munkhbaatar
7/4/17, 1:45 PM
Radiation damage to the central nervous system (CNS) has been an on-going challenge for the last decades primarily due to the issues of brain radiotherapy and radiation protection for astronauts during space travel. Although recent findings revealed a number of molecular mechanisms associated with radiation-induced impairments in behaviour and cognition, some uncertainties exist in the initial...
Stanislav Polyakov
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
7/4/17, 2:00 PM
We present a project devoted to a development of a reliable, secure, and convenient dispersed storage system for private data on public resources in the Internet based on peer-to-peer (P2P) networks [1,2], as an alternative to centralized solutions, including clouds. Novelty of the offered project is the research of the behavior of dispersed storage system (DSS) and determining the optimal...
Vladimir Lisy
7/4/17, 2:00 PM
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is non-destructive and one of the best developed tools to study random motion of spins in different systems, including soft tissues such as the brain, heart and muscles. In the long-time limit the current mathematical description of the experiments allows proper interpretation of measurements of normal and anomalous diffusion. The all-time dynamics is correctly...
Csaba Török
(Institute of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciencie, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice)
7/4/17, 2:00 PM
Recently an unexpected approximation property between polynomials of degree three and four was revealed within a framework of two-part approximation models in 2-norm, Chebyshev norm and Holladay semi-norm.
Namely, it was proved that if a two-component cubic Hermite spline’s first derivative at the shared knot is computed from the first derivative of a quartic polynomial, then the spline is a...
Dmitriy Divakov
(Peoples' Friendship University of Russia)
7/4/17, 2:00 PM
In [1], a scalar model of the propagation of electromagnetic radiation in a thin-film waveguide lens is described. The applicability of the model to the approximate description of the depolarization process in a thin-film waveguide lens is investigated.
In this paper, based on the ideas underlying the model, we propose an approximate vector model. The proposed model explicitly uses the slow...
Vladislav Serov
(Saratov State University)
7/4/17, 2:15 PM
We propose an algorithm for the orthogonal fast discrete spherical Bessel transform on a uniform grid. Our approach is based upon the spherical Bessel transform factorization into the two subsequent orthogonal transforms, namely the fast Fourier transform and the orthogonal transform founded on the derivatives of the discrete Legendre orthogonal polynomials. The method utility is illustrated...
Nina Bogdanova
(INRNE, BAS, Sofia)
7/4/17, 2:15 PM
Nina Bogdanova1 and Mihaela Koleva2
1 INRNE, BAS, Sofia,
2 IE, BAS, Sofia,
Our original Orthonormal Polynomial Expansion Method (OPEM) [1] in one-dimensional version is applied for first time to describe the silver nanoparticles spectroscopic data [2,3]. The experimental errors in variables are included in weights for approximation -...
Ivan Hornak
(Saarland University)
7/4/17, 2:15 PM
The repositioning of the microtubule organizing center is a part of many fundamental biological processes. It occurs in T-cell lymphocyte immediately after antigen presenting cell is recognized by T-cell. The Dynein's effort to walk to the minus end of the microtubule while being anchored at one place results in microtubule's sliding, and, hence in the repositioning of the microtubule...
Yulia Dubenskaya
7/4/17, 2:15 PM
We present a web platform intended for sharing of software programs for computer modeling of nonlinear optics phenomena. Nonlinear optic is a rapidly evolving area of modern physical research and engineering with many important applications such as fiber-optic communications, nonlinear spectroscopy, diagnostic of non-stationary and inhomogeneous processes in plasma and gas phases, laser...
Sergey Markizov
(Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics)
7/4/17, 2:30 PM
The development of computer technology greatly expanded the possibilities of computational experiment. At the present stage it is already possible to study the properties and processes in complex systems at the molecular and even atomic level, for example, by the means of molecular dynamics (MD). The most interesting are problems related with the study of complex processes under real physical...
Richard Remecky
(BLTP JINR, Dubna)
7/4/17, 2:30 PM
One of the most important characteristics of diffusion processes in fluids is the Prandtl number as a ratio of the coefficient of kinematic viscosity to the coefficient of the corresponding diffusivity. The numerical values of various Prandtl numbers, in general, depend on the microscopic structure of the fluids at low Reynolds numbers. The situation changes when the Reynolds numbers obtain...
Alexander Vasilchenko
(Kuban State Technological University, Krasnodar, Russia)
7/4/17, 2:30 PM
The study of the properties of electron-hole systems is one of the rapidly developing areas of modern condensed matter phys-ics. At present, most attention is paid to low-dimensional elec-tron-hole systems, in which the role of the Coulomb interaction increases. Recently, electron-hole liquid (EHL) was found in SiO2/Si/SiO2 quantum wells [1] and in Si/Si1–xGex/Si het-erostructures [2].
Sergey Poluyan
(Dubna State University)
7/4/17, 2:30 PM
In this study we examine the prospect of using evolutionary optimization algorithms in protein-peptide docking. We present the main assumptions that reduce the docking problem to the continuous global optimization problem and provide a way of using evolutionary optimization algorithms. The Rosetta all-atom force field was used for structural representation and energy scoring. We describe the...
G. Fedorov
7/4/17, 2:45 PM
Alexander Panin
(Lomonosov MSU, faculty of physics, chair of mathematics)
7/4/17, 2:45 PM
In some models (for example, in plasma physics and semiconductor physics), the blow-up phenomenon occurs, i. e. the solution's norm tends to infinity as time tends to a finite moment. There exist some methods to detect blow-up analytically: Pokhozhaev and Mitidieri's test function method, Levine's method, and Samarskii and Galaktionov's similarity solutions method. These methods typically...
Nadezhda Fialko
(Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS – the Branch of Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences)
7/4/17, 2:45 PM
Various results of numerous biophysical experiments on charge transfer along DNA fragment have demonstrated that different transport mechanisms are possible in DNA. The transfer rate depends not only on the length of the chain along which the transfer occurs, but also on its sequence [1].
We have studied the simple $1D$-model based on the semi-classical Holstein Hamiltonian for a discrete...
Aleksandr Mayorov
7/4/17, 2:45 PM
Scientists get large amount of raw experimental data when conducting experiments. These data are analyzed using package ROOT. Processing of large data requires high-performance computers; thus, analysis of experimental data is performed on high-performance clusters.
Conducting data analysis on cluster requires some preparatory work: it is necessary to download files to the cluster, write...
Vladislav Kashansky
(SUSU, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
7/4/17, 3:30 PM
Modern numerical modeling experiments and data analytics problems in various fields of science and technology reveal wide variety of serious requirements for distributed computing systems. Many scientific computing projects sometimes exceed allowed resource pool limits, requiring extra scalability and sustainability. In this paper we share the experience and findings of our own on combining...
Dmitriy Popov
(JINR), Dr
Taisia Karamysheva
(JINR), Mr
Vladimir Malinin
7/4/17, 3:30 PM
Effective and accurate computer simulations are highly important in accelerators design and production. The most difficult and important task in cyclotron development is the magnetic field simulations. It is necessary to achieve the accuracy of the model that is higher than the tolerance for the magnetic field in the real magnet. An accurate model of the magnet and other systems of the...
Stanislav Rykunov
(Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS - the Branch of Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences)
7/4/17, 3:30 PM
The new method to study human brain activity was developed [1]. This method aims to determine spectral characteristics, specific to various regions and structures of the human brain. Said method combines two completely different sources of information: 1) anatomical information, obtained from magnetic resonance imaging(MRI); 2) information about human brain activity, obtained by multichannel...
Dmitry Molchanov
7/4/17, 3:30 PM
Hydrocarbon mixtures filtration process simulation development has resulted in use of cubic equations of state of the van der Waals type to describe the thermodynamic properties of natural fluids under real thermobaric conditions [1]. Two- and three-component hydrocarbon systems allow to simulate the fluids of different types of reservoirs qualitatively, what makes it possible to carry out the...
Eugeny Schetinin
Pavel Lyubin
7/4/17, 3:45 PM
Algorithmic complexity is a very important topic in computer science. Knowing the complexity of algorithms allows you to answer questions such as "How long will a program run on an input?", "How much space will it take?" and "Is the problem solvable?". These are important bases of comparison between different algorithms. An understanding of algorithmic complexity provides programmers with...
Vladislav Svozilík
7/4/17, 3:45 PM
Gaussian plume models are commonly used class of mathematical models used in the air pollution dispersion and/or deposition modelling. The goal of the study was to optimize computations with the Gaussian model Symos'97 to significantly improve the speed of computations and to migrate computations from proprietary softwares (ArcGIS, SW implementation of the model for PC) to unified,...
Ekaterina Oplachko
(Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics)
7/4/17, 3:45 PM
There is a cloud based resource MathBrain which provides users with tools for time series analysis. The most of methods is dedicated to magnetic- and electro encephalography (MEG, EEG) analysis which originally contains big amount of data to calculate. These methods of brain analysis are noninvasive, and the process looks like a registration of electro-magnetic activity. During the procedure,...
Budnyam Sanjaa
(professor of IM, NUM)
7/4/17, 4:00 PM
In this report we considered research results based on mathematical modeling approach to estimating and forecasting health indicators of population of Ulaanbaatar city from influenced of air pollution distribution in the atmosphere.
In particular of the research, the present situation of air pollution sources in the districts on UB’s have been broadly reviewed and health impact analysis how...
Tatiana Plyusnina
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
7/4/17, 4:00 PM
Photosystem II (PSII) is one of the cue protein complexes involved in photosynthesis. It carries out the transfer of electrons from oxygen evolving complex (OEC) to the plastoquinone in the time range from picoseconds to hundreds of milliseconds. The fluorescence emitted by the antenna pigments of PSII is an important marker of the photosynthesis activity. Different phases of fluorescence...
Jefte Nagy
(National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, 65-103 Donath, 400293 Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
7/4/17, 4:00 PM
Grid site are a challenging job, but in they can modify for the greater good. They can become from full Grid sites just to simple processing units or simple storage systems. Everything depends on financial support or financial and human support. At the National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies (INCDTIM) Cluj-Napoca, there is such a Grid site which...
Ilya Tolstov
(Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics)
7/4/17, 4:00 PM
The present work is devoted to the supercomputer modelling of the emission processes from the surface of nanostructures that are perspective for modern applications. Within the subject emission processes from single-wall nanotubes with diameters of nanometre range are of particular interest. These devices can be successfully used in nanolithography and non-destructive sounding of...
Evgeny Osetrov
(JINR / FTI “Rostransmodernizatsiya), Prof.
Victor Ivanov
7/4/17, 4:15 PM
In this paper, we developed a methodology for the medium-term prediction of daily volumes of passenger traffic in the Moscow Metro. It includes three variants of the forecast:
1) on the basis of artificial neural networks: a multilayer perceptron (MLP) was used, on the input of which a set of factors affecting the daily volume of passenger transportation was supplied; 2) using the...
Sergei Khruschev
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
7/4/17, 4:15 PM
Protein-protein interactions are of central importance for virtually every process in living matter. Simulation of protein association dynamics is crucial for understanding their functionality. In Brownian dynamics proteins are considered as rigid bodies subjected to electrostatic and random Brownian forces. This rough approximation is rather accurate when protein surfaces do not touch each...
Ochbadrakh Chuluunbaatar
7/4/17, 4:15 PM
We present ultrahigh resolution data on single ionization of helium under impact of 1-MeV protons in comparison with theoretical calculations. Good agreement between theory and experiment is obtained. Three initial trial helium wave functions are employed: a weakly correlated Roothaan-Hartree-Fock function, a simple Silverman-Platas-Matsen function of the configuration interaction family, and...
G. Fedorov
7/4/17, 4:15 PM
Olga Druzhinina
(Federal Research Center «Computer Science and Control» of RAS and V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of RAS)
7/4/17, 4:30 PM
The modern approaches to the nonlinear stochastic models synthesis, stability analysis and verification are characterized in the current work. One of the approaches is related to the self-consistent stochastic models constructing technique. Based on this technique, the interaction schemes are constructed that includes the symbolic record of the possible interactions between the system...
Dmitry Repin
(State Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications «Informika»)
7/4/17, 4:30 PM
In Cisco Guard XT technology under the protection against DDoS attacks, along with filtering and active verification, uses anomaly detection. In this case, all traffic that is not stopped by the filtering and active verification modules is monitored, and this traffic is matched against the basic behavior recorded for a certain period of time.
In this paper, we propose an approach based on the...
Tibor Kozar
(Institute of Physics, Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Kosice, Slovakia and Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Kosice, Slovakia)
7/4/17, 4:30 PM
The key impact of nanotechnologies on many areas of research and development has become prominent in recent years. Biomedicine belongs to the most influenced fields by nanotechnology, for example thanks to the introduction of theranostics (systems for combined diagnostics and therapeutic utilization). These systems can be composed from metallic core nanoparticles functionalized with...
(Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, Germany)
7/4/17, 4:45 PM
Owing to recent advances in accelerator and storage ring techniques, more possibilities arise to study formation of quasi-molecules in slow heavy-ion collisions. Today, these (quasi) molecules are believed to be a versatile tool for investigating a number of fundamental problems in modern physics. In particular, analysis of molecular spectra can provide unique knowledge on the relativistic,...
Alexey Stadnik
(Videointellect, Dubna, Russia)
7/4/17, 4:45 PM
The construction of event detectors is still a relevant task, due to dynamic developments in the field of computer vision. We present the new approaches which we developed to achieve superior
detection perfomance for realistic tasks, such as detection of objects, detection of motion and detection of behaviors. These are then successfully implemented in detectors, which can be...
Ivan Gostev
7/4/17, 5:00 PM
Process of recognition of the shape of graphic objects consists of several stages. At the first stage as a result of processing images some set of characteristic properties of some object are extracted. On the second one, identification of object is made by comparison of these properties with properties of the sample. Presence of noise on real graphical images often distorts quality of...
Vladimir Melezhik
(Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR)
7/5/17, 8:00 AM
V.S. Melezhik
Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna Moscow Region 141980, Russian Federation
Mathematical modelling of resonant processes in confined geometry of optical and electromagnetic traps is an...
Hassan Safouhi
(Campus Saint-Jean, University of Alberta 8406, 91 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T6C 4G9, Canada)
7/5/17, 8:30 AM
Integration by parts is one of the most popular techniques in the analysis of integrals and it has frequently been used to create divergent series or asymptotic expansions of integral representations. The product of the technique is usually a divergent series formed from evaluating boundary terms; however, sometimes the remaining integral is also evaluated. Striking examples are the Euler...
Gheorghe Adam
(LIT-JINR and IFIN-HH, Bucharest, Romania)
7/5/17, 9:00 AM
The present report discusses a Bayesian automatic adaptive quadrature (BAAQ) solution for numerical integration which is simultaneously robust, reliable, and efficient, hence able to yield guaranteed output in numerical experiments involving sudden unexpected modifications of the behavior of the integrand function.
An essential ingredient of the solution is the multiscale approach [1]. Within...
Juha Honkonen
(Finnish National Defence University)
7/5/17, 9:30 AM
Models describing evolution of physical, chemical, biological, social and financial processes are often formulated as differential equations with the understanding that they are large-scale equations for averages of quantities describing intrinsically random processes. Explicit account of randomness may lead to significant changes in the asymptotic behaviour (anomalous scaling) in such models...
Alexei Klimentov
(Brookhaven National Lab)
7/5/17, 10:00 AM
Aurelian Isar
(National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)
7/6/17, 8:00 AM
In the framework of the theory of open systems based on completely positive quantum dynamical semigroups, we make a comparison of the behaviour of continuous variable quantum correlations (quantum entanglement, entropic quantum discord, geometric quantum discord, quantum steering) for a system consisting of: 1) two non-coupled; 2) two coupled bosonic modes embedded in a common environment of...
Edward Fel'dman
(Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of RAS)
7/6/17, 8:30 AM
Quantum correlations are different from all other correlations in many-particle systems. They depend on measurements. Quantum correlations are responsible for the advantages of quantum devices over their classical counterparts and ensure efficient work of all quantum devices, including quantum computers. Entanglement is a measure of quantum correlations for pure states. According to the...
Vasily Shapeev
(Novosibirsk National Research University, Novosibirsk, Russia, Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia)
7/6/17, 9:00 AM
In the numerical method of collocations and the least residuals (CLR),
the boundary differential problem using the collocation method is
projected into a finite-dimensional linear functional space. To find the
solution of the obtained approximate problem, an overdetermined system
of linear algebraic equations (SLAE) is written out and it is required
that on its solution the minimum of the...
Vladimir Kornyak
7/6/17, 9:30 AM
The trajectory of a quantum system is a sequence of unitary evolutions of vectors in a Hilbert space, interspersed with observations --- projections of the vectors in some subspaces, that are specified by measuring devices. The result of quantum observation is random and its statistics is described by a probability measure defined on subspaces of the Hilbert space. Gleason's theorem gives a...
Vladimir Gerdt
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
7/6/17, 10:30 AM
We apply modern computer algebra methods and software for the Lie symmetry analysis to the governing Cosserat system of twelve nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) describing dynamics of nearly one-dimensional flexible structures (rods, fibers, cables, etc.) and construct the general analytical solution to the kinematic part (six equations) of the system. The obtained solution...
Victor Edneral
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
7/6/17, 11:00 AM
The report describes power transformations of degenerate autonomic polynomial systems of ordinary differential equations which reduce such systems to a set of non-degenerate systems. The original problem is separated in a number of partial nilpotent tasks.
There is an example of building exact first integrals of motion of a degenerate planar system in a closed form as functions of system...
Gennady Ososkov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
7/6/17, 1:30 PM
The paper intends to demonstrate the advantages of deep learning approaches over ordinary shallow neural network (NN) on their comparative applications to image classifying. An autoassociative neural network is used as a standalone program realized the nonlinear principal component analysis (NLPCA) for prior extracting the most informative features of input data for neural networks to be...
Ancuta Teodora Murariu
7/6/17, 1:30 PM
The positive electrode in lead-acid batteries is one of the most sensitive parts of the battery, that is affected by aggressive chemical processes during its life. Therefore, an optimal design of the positive electrode of the battery may have as effect a dramatic improvement of the properties of the battery - such as total capacity or endurance during its life. Numerical optimization of...
Aleksandr Kutukov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
7/6/17, 1:30 PM
The normal properties of graphane with various degrees of doping are calculated with the help of the generalized Eliashberg theory. Within the theory of strong electron-phonon interaction, a superconducting order parameter of the doped graphane has been found. The classical approach for determining the critical temperature of a superconducting transition as a result of a strong electron-phonon...
Eugene Zima
(Physics and Computer Science Department, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada)
7/6/17, 1:45 PM
For certain modular algorithms, the modulus need not be a prime, and implementers are left with more freedom to choose moduli. One suggestion, made by Knuth [3], is to use integers of the form A similar choice is Numbers of these forms are Cunningham numbers for the special case of the base We discuss suitability of these types of moduli for standard computer algebraic modular algorithms....
Dmitrii Kazakov
(Dubna State University)
7/6/17, 1:45 PM
A mechanism for controlling the convergence of the continuous analog of the Newton method (NAMN) with the use, as a control parameter, of the step variation coefficient of the difference scheme for the numerical solution of the differential equation of the NAMN. Using the example of a developed algorithm for a modified NAMN, it was shown that it is possible to control the characteristics of...
George Alexandru Nemnes
(Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, 077126, Magurele-Ilfov, Romania ; University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, MDEO Research Center, 077125 Magurele-Ilfov, Romania)
7/6/17, 1:45 PM
Dynamic J-V hysteretic effects [1] are consistently described by the dynamic electrical model (DEM) introduced in Ref. [2]. DEM explains the dependence of the hysteresis amplitude and short circuit current on the bias scan rate. It also reproduces the current overshoot experimentally observed in the reverse characteristics and its dependence on bias pre-poling. The basic assumption is that the...
Dragos-Victor Anghel
7/6/17, 2:00 PM
By a reevaluation of the grandcanonical partition function, we show that the phenomenology of the BCS model is much richer than previously known: the phase transition may be discontinuous (the energy gap has a jump at the phase transition temperature), there may be two solutions for the energy gap at the same temperature, etc. We present both zero temperature [1] and finite temperature results...
Natalya Semenova
(Peoples' Friendship University of Russia), Prof.
Yuri Rybakov
(Peoples'Friendship University of Russia)
7/6/17, 2:00 PM
Yu.P. Rybakov and N.V. Semenova
Department of Theoretical Physics and Mechanics
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
117198 Moscow, 6, Miklukho-Maklay str, Russia
We study the hydrodynamics of flow in porous medium modeling the grain filling in filters. Using the lattice approximation, we derive the structure...
Anna Kuznetsova
(Institute of Biochemical Physics RAS), Mr
Igor Kirilyuk
(Institute of Economics RAS)
7/6/17, 2:15 PM
Methods of machine learning and data mining are widely used now in many tasks of physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and in some other areas. Such techniques allow to obtain reliable results in poorly formalized areas. The last several years we used these methods for search of regularities in panel data of the statistical indicators, characterizing the institutional economy of different...
Alexander Gusev
(Laboratory of Information Technologies Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
7/6/17, 2:15 PM
High-accuracy finite element method for elliptic boundary-value problems is presented.
The basis functions of finite elements are high-order polynomials, determined from a specially constructed set of values of the polynomials themselves, their partial derivatives, and their derivatives along the directions of the normals to the boundaries of finite elements.
Such a choice of the polynomials...
Ilja Honkonen
(Finnish Meteorlogical Institute)
7/6/17, 2:15 PM
We investigate the possibility of modeling turbulence via numerical functional integration. By transforming the incompressible stochastic Navier-Stokes equation into a functional integral we are able to calculate equal-time spatial correlation of system variables using standard methods of multidimensional integration. In contrast to direct numerical simulation, our method allows for simple...
Kirill Shilnikov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
7/6/17, 2:15 PM
In this talk we consider the problem of planning and optimization of the cutaneous cryosurgery operations. The method of the additional heating and freezing elements mounting is studied as an approach to optimize the cellular necrosis front propagation. Mathematical modeling is used for the effectiveness improvement of the method under consideration. An explicit scheme based on the finite...
Alexander Kryukov
7/6/17, 2:30 PM
Nowadays the exponential growth of the amount of experimental data can be observed. While there was 1-10 Tb of data per year in astrophysics 10-15 years ago, new experimental facilities generate data sets ranging in size from 100’s to 1000's of terabytes per year.
It's obvious that various activities must be performed continually across all stages of the data life cycle to help support...
Pavel Ryabov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI),
Rodion Muratov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
7/6/17, 2:30 PM
The process of plastic flow localization in hollow cylinder which is made from high-strength steel undergoing the torsion deformation is considered. The mathematical model of the process of plastic flow localization is formulated taking into account the cylindrical symmetry of the problem. The transition of the proposed model to a mathematical model describing the processes of plastic flow...
Sergue Vinitsky
7/6/17, 2:30 PM
High-accuracy finite element method for solving the 2D parametric elliptic self-adjoint boundary-value problems is presented. The triangular elements and new high-order fully symmetric Gaussian quadratures with positive weights, and no points are outside the triangle (PI type) is applied. The program calculates with the given accuracy the eigenvalues, the surface eigenfunctions and their...
Dmitry Sinelshchikov
(National Research Nuclear Universtiy)
7/6/17, 2:30 PM
In this talk we discuss applications of the generalized Sundman transformations for finding families of integrable Li\'{e}nard--type equations. Under integrable equations here we understand equations for which we can construct the general analytical solution. Employing connections, given by the generalized Sundman transformations, between Li\'{e}nard--type equations and equations of the...
Maxim Bashashin
(Laboratory of Information Technologies, JINR)
7/6/17, 2:45 PM
The separated form factors method (SFF) is an effective approach to obtain information about a structure of vesicular systems from the small angle scattering data. Parameters of vesicular system are determined by means of minimization of a discrepancy between experimental data on intensity of small angle scattering and the results of respective SFF-based calculations. The minimization...
Victor Malyutin
(Institute of Mathematics National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)
7/6/17, 2:45 PM
Various physical, chemical, and biological systems with fluctuations or noise are described by stochastic differential equations (SDEs). Constructing a SDEs for the modeled system such that the stochastic part is related to the structure of the system is considered in [1, 2].
Evaluation of probability density function (PDF) and other quantities describing a solution of system of SDEs is...
Ivan Garashchuk
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia)
7/6/17, 2:45 PM
In this work we studied a model, describing dynamics of a spherical gas bubble in a fluid. The bubble is oscillating close to the wall of finite thickness under the influence of external field pressure. This model is a generalization of the well-known Rayleigh-Plesset equation describing dynamics of gas filled bubble in an incompressible fluid. In the model considered in this work, the fact...
Sergey Gutnik
(Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)
7/6/17, 2:45 PM
The dynamics of a satellite in a circular orbit under the influence of gravitational and active damping torques, which are depend on the projections of the angular velocity of the satellite is investigated [1]. Such active damping torques are proportional to the projections of angular velocities onto the axes of the satellite body coordinate system and can be provided by using the angular...
Pavel Akishin
7/6/17, 3:30 PM
Volume integral equations method is considered for calculation of magnetic systems. We discuss an approach, based on finite element linear approximation of unknown vector field variables. Initially a three-dimensional domain is represented as a combination of standard macro-blocks with two-dimensional mesh on the boundaries. This allows to generate three-dimensional mesh in each individual...
Konstantin Gertsenberger
7/6/17, 3:30 PM
The simulated data processing before receiving first experimental data is an important issue in the high-energy physics experiments. This work presents Mock Data Challenge (MDC) for the MPD experiment at the NICA accelerator complex. It uses the ongoing simulation studies to exercise in a stress-testing distributed computing infrastructure and experiment software in the full production...
Nataliia Kulabukhova
(Saint Petersburg State University)
7/6/17, 3:45 PM
In particle accelerator physics the problem is that we can not see what is going on inside the working machine. There are a lot of packages for modelling the behaviour of the particles in numerical or analytical way. The idea is to provide scientists with a problem-solving environment, which can not only do some numerical calculations, but show the changes of the particle distribution as a...
Pavlina Atanasova
(University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski, 24 Tzar Asen, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria)
7/6/17, 3:45 PM
Presented user software is aimed at the field of science research. Potential users are physicists who study Josephson junction with magnetic momenta. Computer implementation has been done by means of Wolfram Mathematica using the extensive capabilities of this system to create interactive dynamic objects. It enables to analyze the problem in amending all relevant physical parameters. The...
Elena Kuznetsova
(Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of RAS), Mr
Ilya Lazarev
(MSU, Faculty of Fundamental Physical and Chemical Engineering)
7/6/17, 4:00 PM
E.I.Kuznetsova¹, I.D.Lazarev²˒¹
1Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of RAS, Chernogolovaka, 142432,Moscow Region, Russia
2Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Fundamental Physical and Chemical Engineering, 119991, Moscow, Russia
We investigate quantum state transfer [1] and quantum entanglement [2], emerging in this process, in spin chains. We consider a quantum system,...
G. Fedorov
7/6/17, 4:00 PM
Ilhom Rahmonov
(BLTP, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
7/6/17, 4:00 PM
We consider the generalized model of the system of coupled long JJs[1] which takes into account the inductive and capacitive coupling and the diffusion current[2,3]. Numerical investigation of phase dynamics of long JJs stack is based on the parallel simulation algorithm which provides an essential acceleration of simulation procedure[4]. Using the developed numerical approach, we demonstrate...
Andrey Lebedev
(GSI, Darmstadt / JINR, Dubna)
7/6/17, 4:15 PM
The Dynamic Deployment System (DDS) is a tool-set that automates and significantly simplifies a deployment of user-defined processes and their dependencies on any resource management system (RMS) using a given topology.
A number of basic concepts are taken into account in DDS. Namely, DDS implements a single responsibility principle command line tool-set and APIs. The system treats users’...
Vahagn Abgaryan
7/6/17, 4:15 PM
According to the Stratonovich-Weyl correspondence there is mapping between
operators on the Hilbert space of a finite-dimensional quantum system and functions on the phase space of its classical mechanical counterpart. This map is given by the Wigner quasiprobability distribution and can be implemented with the aid of the Stratonovich–Weyl operator kernel which satisfies a number of lucid...
Ján Buša
(Department of Mathematics and Theoretical Informatics, FEEI Technical University in Košice, Nemcovej 32, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia)
7/6/17, 4:15 PM
UWB radar technology enables a target localization of an object,
e.g., man behind a wall of known material consistency, e.g., concrete.
If exact values of TOA (Time of a signal arrival from a transmitting antenna to a receiver)
are known, it is possible to achieve high precision of localization.
In the paper an influence of a time quantization on the localization
precision will be...
Georgii Bochkin
(Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of RAS)
7/6/17, 4:30 PM
Quantum decoherence is one of the most important problems for creation of quantum devices which outperform their classical counterparts [1]. The performed investigations demonstrate [2] that the decoherence time decreases when the number of qubits in the coherent cluster increases.
We used methods of multiple-quantum (MQ) NMR [3] for the investigation of the decoherence processes in...
Vasily Dikusar
(Dorodnicyn Computing Centre, FRC CSC RAS)
7/6/17, 4:45 PM
We consider the problem of choice of angle of attack and bank by a device which is slowed down in the atmosphere for the flight on the minimum of maximum heat with constraints on the value of full loading factor. The solution of mentioned problems allows to determine maneuver abilities of the device. The constraints on full loading factor (control-state constraint), the lift force coefficient...
Quantum correlations in remote state creation. Information exchange with vanishing entanglement.
Alexander Zenchuk
(Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of RAS)
7/6/17, 4:45 PM
The formation and evolution of quantum correlations is one of the central problems of quantum information. Although quantum correlations are necessary to provide advantages of quantum information devices in comparison with their classical counterparts, the appropriate measure of these correlations is not well-established yet. Quantum entanglement [1] was considered as a suitable measure...
Ekaterina Sboeva
(Saint-Petersburg State University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes)
7/6/17, 4:45 PM
The actual task of accelerator physics is the preliminary modeling of particle beam dynamics in an accelerator (including polarized ones). The search for optimal parameters of the control system that provides the necessary functionality of the particle beam particle control system is a resource-intensive problem, which leads to the need to use appropriate mathematical models which naturally...
Vladimir Smirnov
(Azforus” LTD, Moscow, Russia)
7/6/17, 5:00 PM
This paper proposes an analitical method for approximating experimental data points X*(j) by the curves representing the solutions of linear difference equations with constant coefficients, in particular, by the curves of the exp*cos class (for the second-order equation - in form of
X(j) = c1 • X(j – 1) + c2 • X(j – 2) + b).
As for coeffitients of such approximation (c1, c2 and b) - they...
Tatiana Mihaescu
(Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)
7/6/17, 5:00 PM
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steerability of quantum states is a property that is different from entanglement and Bell nonlocality. We describe the time evolution of a recently introduced measure that quantifies steerability for arbitrary bipartite Gaussian states in a system consisting of two bosonic modes embedded in a common squeezed thermal environment.
We work in the framework of the theory...
Galina Riznichenko
(Lomonosov Moscow State University, MSU)
7/7/17, 8:00 AM
Processes in photosynthetic membrane proceed at wide time scales from 10-12s-1 (charge separation in photosynthetic reaction centers of Photosystems I and II) till dozen of milliseconds (interactions with Calvin-Benson cycle of CO2 fixation).
The paper presents the results of the work on kinetic and computer modeling performed at the Dept. of Biophysics, Biological faculty MSU. Kinetic...
Nikolay Kudryashov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
7/7/17, 8:30 AM
We consider the following dynamical system:
m\,\frac{d^2y_{i}}{d t}=F_{i+1,i}-F_{i,i-1}-f_0\,\sin{\left(\frac{2\,\pi\,y_i}{a}\right)}, \qquad
where $y_i$ measures the displacement of the i-th mass from equilibrium in time $t$, the force $F_{i+1,i}$ describes the nonlinear interaction between atpms...
Gabriel Semanišin
(Faculty of Science, P.J. Šafárik University Košice, Slovakia)
7/7/17, 9:00 AM
We present new results on the Load Balancing Problem that concerns and assigment of given jobs to a set of machines each of which can process a subset of jobs. Each job requires one unit of processing time and must be assigned to some machine that can process it. The jobs have to be assigned in such a manner that minimises the total completion time. We exploit graph theory models and the...
Ivan (for the CBM collaboration) Kisel
(Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Darmstadt, Germany), Ms
Valentina Akishina
7/7/17, 10:00 AM
One of the main purposes of the physics program of the future heavy-ion experiment CBM (FAIR, Germany) is to understand the properties of strongly interacting matter at very high baryonic densities and to study the possibility of a phase transition to a deconfined and chirally restored phase of quark matter. The experiment will operate at high interaction rates up to 10 MHz, that requires a...
Sergey Polyakov
(Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics)
7/7/17, 10:30 AM
The multiscale multilevel approach for solution of nanotechnology problems by supercomputer systems is presented. The approach is based on combining the continuum mechanics models and the Newton's dynamics for individual particles. This combination includes three scale levels such as macroscopic, mesoscopic and microscopic levels. For gas - metal technical systems we use the following models....
Dmitry Lebedev
(Tver State University)
7/7/17, 12:30 PM
One of the most effective instantaneous cardiac rhythm (ICR) imaging methods is application of extended phase space (EPS) of ICR. In this space, the ICR state is described by a point in the with coordinates where – ICR rate, – ICR change rate, – retry equal values y and v in different time moments.
We wrote down and implemented the MAPLE programs allowing the real-time monitoring...
Sergei Meshveliani
(Program systems institute, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia)
7/7/17, 12:30 PM
It is described a certain provable program for a generic arithmetic
of fractions. This is a small part of the project DoCon-A of provable
programs for a computer algebra library. In this system, functional
programs for known algebraic methods are written together with proofs, and proofs are automatically checked by the compiler (see the Coq and Agda systems). The used language (Agda) is...
Pavel Kisel
(Frankfurt Uni, JINR)
7/7/17, 12:30 PM
The main goal of modern heavy-ion experiments is a comprehensive study of the QCD phase diagram, in a region of Qaurk-Gluon Plasma (QGP) and possible phase transition to QGP phase.
One of possible signals of QGP formation is enhanced strangeness production. Reconstruction of Σ particles together with other strange particles completes the picture of strangeness production. Σ+ and Σ- have all...
Anatoli Loutsiouk
(Department of Civil Engineering, King Mongkut University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand)
7/7/17, 12:45 PM
The multiplicity of a weight of an irreducible finite-dimensional representation of a complex semisimple Lie algebra can in principle be evaluated by using the celebrated Kostant multiplicity formula, which employs summation of values of Kostant partition function over the Weyl group of the algebra. While Kostant’s formula is quite elegant, it is usually not suitable for computations due to...
Victor Tsvetkov
(Tver State University)
7/7/17, 12:45 PM
The report contains the instantaneous cardiac rhythm (ICR) frequency (y) distribution functions f(y) determined on the basis of the Holter monitoring data using MAPLE programs. There was identified a multimodal behaviour of the distribution function f(y). It was shown that the ICR spectrum consisted of a solid component, resonances and antiresonances. The resonances are peaks f(y) determined...
Olga Derenovskaya
7/7/17, 12:45 PM
Currently the CBM experiment is being developed in GSI (Darmstadt,
Germany) at the FAIR accelerator complex of an international
collaboration with JINR. One of the main aims of the experiment is the
study of charmonium production in nuclear-nuclear collisions at high
energies. The key task in this problem is fast and reliable
electron–positron identification using the energy losses of...
Mikhail Malykh
(RUDN University)
7/7/17, 1:00 PM
Modern development of computer science revived the old investigations about the solvability of differential equations in the finite terms. There are remarkable differential equations which can be integrated in CAS. In our work we want to speak about remarkable differential equations in another sense: for these equations there are finite difference schemes which conserve algebraic properties of...
Victor Tsvetkov
(Tver State University)
7/7/17, 1:00 PM
Together with frequency characteristics of instantaneous cardiac rhythm (ICR), characteristics related to the ICR change rate v are of great value for studies in cardiology. According to the data from day-long Holter monitoring, we constructed the ICR change rate distribution function It was demonstrated that for different patients the function had both the unimodal and the polymodal...
Mikhail Malykh
(RUDN University)
7/7/17, 1:15 PM
Consider a waveguide of a constant simply connected cross-section $S$ with ideally conducting walls. The axis $Oz$ is directed along the cylinder axis, the normal to $\partial S$ will be denoted as $\vec n$, the tangent vector perpendicular to $\vec e_z$ as $\vec \tau$. Let the filling $\epsilon$, $\mu$ of this waveguide have the jump at $z=0$ so this plane is the joint of two waveguide. For a...
A. Kudinov
(Tver State University, Tver, Russia)
7/7/17, 1:15 PM
In this paper we present the instantaneous cardiac rhythm (ICR) function and its difference derivative constructed based on the data of day-long Holter monitoring. These functions contain complete patient cardiovascular system state information. In order to analyze the behavior of these functions, there was introduced a concept of phase space (PS) of ICR the points of which had coordinates ...
Sergey Perepechko
(Petrozavodsk State University)
7/7/17, 1:30 PM
Near-perfect matchings on cylinders $C_m \times P_n$ of odd order
The problem of counting near-perfect matchings on...
Grigory Kozlov
(LIT JINR Dubna, FIAS Frankfurt)
7/7/17, 1:30 PM
Tracking procedure is an important part of event reconstruction in high energy physics experiments. One of the fastest and efficient track finding algorithm is a cellular automaton (CA). It is used in various experiments including CBM at FAIR and STAR at RHIC. CBM and STAR CA track finders have similar implementations. But standard track finding procedure may be not fast enough for online...
Julia Chemarina
7/7/17, 1:30 PM
Denis Yanovich
7/7/17, 1:45 PM
In this paper the author will talk about the problem of computing involutive bases and Gröbner bases of linear systems of difference equations, its importance, applicability for physical and mathematical problems and the algorithm for solving it.
An implementation of the computation algorithm in C will be presented, calculation times will be compared with the competing programs. The parallel...
Aida Galoyan
(Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics)
7/7/17, 1:45 PM
One of the most exciting puzzles in cosmology is connected with the question of the existence of anti-matter in the Universe. A number of dedicated cosmic ray experiments aim to search for anti-nuclei. Also, anti-nuclei have been observed in nucleus-nucleus and proton-proton collisions by experiments at the RHIC and LHC accelerators. To support the experimental studies of the anti-nuclei a...
Anastasya Demidova
(Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)), Mr
Migran Gevorkyan
7/7/17, 2:30 PM
To describe models where the intensity of the interaction between components depends on the concentration of a component, one can use the scheme of interaction from chemical kinetics:
\sum\limits^{n}_{i=1}N^{s}_{i}X_{i} \xleftrightarrow[\;\;k^{-}_{s}\;\;]{\;\;k^{+}_{s}\;\;} \sum\limits^{n}_{i=1}M^{s}_{i}X_{i},\; s = 1,\ldots,S.
Here $X_{i}$ represents the number $i$-th component,...
Nikolay Voytishin
(LIT, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia)
7/7/17, 2:30 PM
Voytishin N.
LIT, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
Relativistic heavy ion collisions provide the unique opportunity to study nuclear matter under extreme density and temperature. If the energy density in the formed fireball is sufficiently large the quark-gluon substructure of nucleons becomes visible. Theoretical models, however, suggest different...
Vasilisa Lenivenko
7/7/17, 2:45 PM
Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector is developed for modern purposes in elementary particle physics.
In the actual BM@N experiment a GEM system is used for trajectories reconstruction of charged particles.
The investigation of GEM performance (efficiency and spacial resolution) is presented.
Dmitry Kulyabov
7/7/17, 3:00 PM
We are studying the process of global synchronization in systems with control. As a control system, we study the continuous model of the active control module of the type RED [1-3]. We apply the method of harmonic linearization. To simplify the model, we applied the following: the model is written in moments; The model describes only the phase of avoiding overloading of the TCP Reno protocol;...
Ján Fedorišin
(VB LHE, JINR, Dubna)
7/7/17, 3:00 PM
Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics,
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,
141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
Drift chambers (DCH's) constitute an important part of the tracking system of the BM@N experiment designed to study the production of baryonic matter at the Nuclotron energies.
The method...
Ilnur Gabdrakhmanov
7/7/17, 3:15 PM
The BM@N experiment is the crucial stage in the technical development
of the NICA project.
In order to effectively maintain experiment it is extremely important
to have uniform for all detectors,
fast and convenient tool to monitor experimental facility.
The system implements decoding of the incoming raw data on the fly,
preprocessing and visualization on the webpage.
Users can monitor...
Viktor Rikhvitsky
(Joint Institute fo Nuclear Research)
7/7/17, 3:15 PM
Many natural phenomena are described by a system of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) which is often difficult to be solved analytically, as there is no a general theory for completely solving of the nonlinear PDEs.
One of the most useful techniques is the Lie (classical) symmetry method and to obtain the invariant solutions, we focus on the physically interesting situations...
Minh Duc Nguyen
(Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University)
7/7/17, 3:30 PM
Fully automatic processing of satellite data is a dream for every space weather scientist. In fact, a streamlined scientific workflow system that can process satellite data automatically and track the details of the data processing history is critical for the efficient handling of fundamental routines used in space weather research. The information that describes the details of data processing...
Dmitry Kulyabov
7/7/17, 3:30 PM
When modeling different physical and technical systems, they can often be modeled in the form of one-step processes. Our group has been developing a formalism of stochastization of one-step processes for quite a long time. We investigated a variety of representations of both the one-step processes, and methods of their stochastization. We have considered representations in the state vectors...
Alexander Kryukov
7/7/17, 3:45 PM
Will be presented the computer algebra algorithms of simplification of tensor expressions which based on group-theoretical properties of tensor monoms and multilinear identities like Bianchi.
Mihaela Paraipan
(Institute of Space Science Bucharest-Magurele Romania, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna Russia)
7/7/17, 3:45 PM
A comparative study of the energy efficiency of proton beams with an energy from 0.5 GeV to 4 GeV and light ion beams (7Li, 9Be, 11B, and 12C) with energies from 0.25 AGeV to 1 AGeV in natural and enriched quasi-infinite U target is presented. The numerical results on the particle transport and interaction are obtained using the code Geant4. The following target optimization issues are...
Tatiana Solovjeva
7/7/17, 4:00 PM
The modern scientific research requires careful modeling of experiments, as well as the fast and qualitative processing of a large amount of data. Under that the comparison of the used models and the optimization of the program code are performed. Optimization implyes both algorithmic code improvement and the usage of high-performance and parallel technologies.
In high-energy physics, the...
Robert Yamaleev
7/7/17, 4:00 PM
An algorithm of reduction of n-order differential equation into the system of n-order Riccati-type equations is constructed. Solutions of the system of Riccati equations are roots of the polynomial coefficients of which are given by the set of linear independent solutions of n-order differential equation. Interrelations with the Poincare model of hyperbolic space and the general complex...
Victor Zlokazov
7/7/17, 4:30 PM
A significant amount of the human knowledge of Nature is based on the
evidence which the rigorous mathematics would have called insufficient.
However, in some cases (very important ones indeed) the increasing of data
statistics is hardly implementable, added to which
once such problem has been overcome in one field of the research ...
Victor Zavodinsky
(Institute for Materials Science, Khabarovsk, Russia)
We propose a practical way to simulate multi-atomic systems without using of wave functions (orbitals). Our approach is based on the theoretical concept of the last years (FTT 2012, Sarry AM, Sarry MF; JETP 2013, Bobrov VB, Trigger SA) claiming that the universal functional of kinetic energy does not exist. We construct kinetic functionals for each type of atoms and then use them for complex...
Nikolaj Glazunov
(National Aviation University)
In q-deformed geometry braded zeta functions for any rigid object in a ribbon braided category have defined by Majid and Tomasic, and others. By the category of realizations multiple zeta values have defined by Goncharov, by Furusho, by Unver and other. In the communication we present ontology and computer algebraic aspects of braded and multiple zeta functions.
Vyacheslav Yukalov
(Bogolubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
A scheme of functioning of a quantum intelligence is suggested. The main difference between quantum and classical intelligences is that the former acts on the basis of quantum decision theory, evaluating prospects by quantum probabilities [1-5]. Owing to the quantum nature, a quantum probability is a sum of two terms, utility factor and attraction factor. Several quantum intelligences compose...
Gabriel Semanišin
(Faculty of Science, P.J. Šafárik University Košice, Slovakia)
We present new results on the Load Balancing Problem that concerns and assignment of given jobs to a set of machines each of which can process a subset of jobs. Each job requires one unit of processing time and must be assigned to some machine that can process it. The jobs have to be assigned in such a manner that minimises the total completion time. We exploit graph theory models and the...