BM@N online monitoring

Jul 7, 2017, 3:15 PM
LIT Conference Hall

LIT Conference Hall


Mr Ilnur Gabdrakhmanov (VBLHEP JINR)


The BM@N experiment is the crucial stage in the technical development of the NICA project. In order to effectively maintain experiment it is extremely important to have uniform for all detectors, fast and convenient tool to monitor experimental facility. The system implements decoding of the incoming raw data on the fly, preprocessing and visualization on the webpage. Users can monitor any detector subsystem, select specific detector's plane/station, time or strip profile histograms in 1/2/3D view. The system is developed as a part of the BmnRoot package with the use of the CERN jsROOT library. The lighttpd webserver is used.

Primary author

Mr Ilnur Gabdrakhmanov (VBLHEP JINR)

Presentation materials