Ancuta Teodora Murariu
7/6/17, 1:30 PM
The positive electrode in lead-acid batteries is one of the most sensitive parts of the battery, that is affected by aggressive chemical processes during its life. Therefore, an optimal design of the positive electrode of the battery may have as effect a dramatic improvement of the properties of the battery - such as total capacity or endurance during its life. Numerical optimization of...
George Alexandru Nemnes
(Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, 077126, Magurele-Ilfov, Romania ; University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, MDEO Research Center, 077125 Magurele-Ilfov, Romania)
7/6/17, 1:45 PM
Dynamic J-V hysteretic effects [1] are consistently described by the dynamic electrical model (DEM) introduced in Ref. [2]. DEM explains the dependence of the hysteresis amplitude and short circuit current on the bias scan rate. It also reproduces the current overshoot experimentally observed in the reverse characteristics and its dependence on bias pre-poling. The basic assumption is that the...
Dragos-Victor Anghel
7/6/17, 2:00 PM
By a reevaluation of the grandcanonical partition function, we show that the phenomenology of the BCS model is much richer than previously known: the phase transition may be discontinuous (the energy gap has a jump at the phase transition temperature), there may be two solutions for the energy gap at the same temperature, etc. We present both zero temperature [1] and finite temperature results...
Kirill Shilnikov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
7/6/17, 2:15 PM
In this talk we consider the problem of planning and optimization of the cutaneous cryosurgery operations. The method of the additional heating and freezing elements mounting is studied as an approach to optimize the cellular necrosis front propagation. Mathematical modeling is used for the effectiveness improvement of the method under consideration. An explicit scheme based on the finite...
Pavel Ryabov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI),
Rodion Muratov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
7/6/17, 2:30 PM
The process of plastic flow localization in hollow cylinder which is made from high-strength steel undergoing the torsion deformation is considered. The mathematical model of the process of plastic flow localization is formulated taking into account the cylindrical symmetry of the problem. The transition of the proposed model to a mathematical model describing the processes of plastic flow...
Ivan Garashchuk
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia)
7/6/17, 2:45 PM
In this work we studied a model, describing dynamics of a spherical gas bubble in a fluid. The bubble is oscillating close to the wall of finite thickness under the influence of external field pressure. This model is a generalization of the well-known Rayleigh-Plesset equation describing dynamics of gas filled bubble in an incompressible fluid. In the model considered in this work, the fact...
Pavel Akishin
7/6/17, 3:30 PM
Volume integral equations method is considered for calculation of magnetic systems. We discuss an approach, based on finite element linear approximation of unknown vector field variables. Initially a three-dimensional domain is represented as a combination of standard macro-blocks with two-dimensional mesh on the boundaries. This allows to generate three-dimensional mesh in each individual...
Pavlina Atanasova
(University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski, 24 Tzar Asen, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria)
7/6/17, 3:45 PM
Presented user software is aimed at the field of science research. Potential users are physicists who study Josephson junction with magnetic momenta. Computer implementation has been done by means of Wolfram Mathematica using the extensive capabilities of this system to create interactive dynamic objects. It enables to analyze the problem in amending all relevant physical parameters. The...
Ilhom Rahmonov
(BLTP, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
7/6/17, 4:00 PM
We consider the generalized model of the system of coupled long JJs[1] which takes into account the inductive and capacitive coupling and the diffusion current[2,3]. Numerical investigation of phase dynamics of long JJs stack is based on the parallel simulation algorithm which provides an essential acceleration of simulation procedure[4]. Using the developed numerical approach, we demonstrate...
Ján Buša
(Department of Mathematics and Theoretical Informatics, FEEI Technical University in Košice, Nemcovej 32, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia)
7/6/17, 4:15 PM
UWB radar technology enables a target localization of an object,
e.g., man behind a wall of known material consistency, e.g., concrete.
If exact values of TOA (Time of a signal arrival from a transmitting antenna to a receiver)
are known, it is possible to achieve high precision of localization.
In the paper an influence of a time quantization on the localization
precision will be...
Ekaterina Sboeva
(Saint-Petersburg State University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes)
7/6/17, 4:45 PM
The actual task of accelerator physics is the preliminary modeling of particle beam dynamics in an accelerator (including polarized ones). The search for optimal parameters of the control system that provides the necessary functionality of the particle beam particle control system is a resource-intensive problem, which leads to the need to use appropriate mathematical models which naturally...
Vladimir Smirnov
(Azforus” LTD, Moscow, Russia)
7/6/17, 5:00 PM
This paper proposes an analitical method for approximating experimental data points X*(j) by the curves representing the solutions of linear difference equations with constant coefficients, in particular, by the curves of the exp*cos class (for the second-order equation - in form of
X(j) = c1 • X(j – 1) + c2 • X(j – 2) + b).
As for coeffitients of such approximation (c1, c2 and b) - they...