Alexander Kryanev
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research), Mr
David Udumyan
(Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, University of Miami), Mr
(PFUR), Mr
Victor Ivanov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
7/3/17, 1:30 PM
We consider a problem of extrapolating functions of several variables. It is assumed that the values of the function of m variables are given at a finite number of points in some domain D of the m-dimensional space. It is required to restore the value of the function at the points outside the domain D. To solve the extrapolation problem, we propose a scheme which is based on a metric analysis...
Evgeny Perepelkin
7/3/17, 1:45 PM
The formula¬tion of the boundary value problem arises in magnitostatics when finding the mag¬netic field distribution by the method of two scalar potentials in the domain com¬prising ferromagnetic and vacuum. The problem nonlinearity is stipulated by the dependence of the medium properties (magnetic permeability) on the solution to be found. In connection with that the solution of such a...
Aleksandr Tarelkin
(Moscow State University)
7/3/17, 2:00 PM
A magnetostatic problem arises in searching for the distribution of the magnetic field generated by magnet systems of many physics research facilities, e.g., accelerators. The domain in which the boundary-value problem is solved often has a piecewise smooth boundary. In this case, numerical calculations of the problem require the consideration of the solution behavior in the corner...
Denis Suchkov
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
7/3/17, 2:15 PM
This paper is devoted to the study of entropy of a system of many particles with gravitational interaction. The study of entropy behavior is based on the Vlasov kinetic equation, using both numerical and exact solution. In view of the special laboriousness of the computation, parallel algorithms using CUDA technology are implemented in this paper. A parallel algorithm for solving the Vlasov...
Mikhail Naumenko
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
7/3/17, 2:30 PM
Modern parallel computing algorithm has been applied to the solution of the few-body problem. The approach is based on Feynman’s continual integrals method implemented in C++ programming language using NVIDIA CUDA technology. Calculations were performed on the NVIDIA Tesla K40 accelerator installed within the heterogeneous cluster of the Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute...
Mária Popovičová
(University of Presov, Presov, Slovakia)
7/3/17, 2:45 PM
One of the varieties of pores, often found in natural or artificial building materials, are the so-called blind pores of dead-end or saccate type. Three-dimensional model of such kind of pore has been developed in this work. This model has been used for simulation of water vapor interaction with individual pore by molecular dynamic method [1]. Special investigations have been done to find...
Ilyas Ishmukhamedov
7/3/17, 3:30 PM
We present an efficient computational scheme to integrate the time-dependent three-dimensional Schroedinger equation. The time-evolution operator is calculated with a second order split-operator technique and spatial derivatives are approximated with a sixth-order finite-difference method.
The efficiency of our implicit scheme is demonstrated in comparison with a high-order direct method...
Algirdas Deveikis
(Dr., Assoc. Prof., Department of Applied Informatics, Vytautas Magnus University, Vileikos 8, LT-44404, Kaunas, Lithuania)
7/3/17, 3:45 PM
The new harmonic oscillator (HO) expansion method [1] is applied to calculate non-relativistic ground state energy of a number of Coulomb three-particle systems with two identical particles for up to 28 excitation HO quanta. The novelty of the method is the introduction of different size parameters in the Jacobi coordinates instead of only one unique oscillator length parameter in the...
Leonid Yanovich
(Institute of Mathematics National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)
7/3/17, 4:15 PM
\def\address#1#2{\begin{center}\small\emph{#1}\\E-mail: \texttt{#2}\end{center}}
\def\refname{{\small References}}
\title{\textsc{On Interpolational ...
Alina Volokhova
7/3/17, 4:30 PM
A method and a complex of computer programs are developed for the numerical solution of the system of nonlinear partial differential equations describing a formation of the polaron states in condensed media [1,2]. Parallel implementation is based on the MPI technique and on the utilizing of the partition algorithm [3].
Numerical simulation of the photoexcited electron states formation in...
Sergei Khruschev
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
7/3/17, 4:45 PM
The behavior of various systems in living and nonliving matter may be characterized mathematically by a linear combination of exponential functions. Many types of scientific experiments are often conducted in such a way that changes in some characteristic variable in response to some perturbation are recorded. These measurements yield data referred to as a signal. Assuming the signal by its...