RFBR grant 18-02-40119
The MPD detector will be equipped with a high-resolution, ultra-light Inner Tracking System (MPD-ITS) consisting of five concentric layers of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS), divided into a 3-layers Inner Barrel and a 2-layers Outer Barrel. The Inner Barrel will be based on the next generation of MAPS currently under development by the ITS3 project of the ALICE collaboration at CERN, while the Outer Barrel will be based on the same ALPIDE MAPS used during the upgrade of the ALICE-ITS for its own Outer Barrel. The different stages of the MPD-ITS construction will be carried out as part of a collaboration between institutions from Russia (JINR, SPbSU, MSU) and China (CCNU, IMPh, USTC), with assembly sites in both countries. The presentation will provide an overview of the detector's assembly process with a particular emphasis on the assembly of the Hybrid Integrated Circuits (the basic modules of the tracking system) and its current status towards the production readiness.