Oct 20 – 23, 2020
Europe/Moscow timezone


The proceedings of the Conference will be published in special volumes of the Journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei in 2021. By March, 2021 every RFBR grant holder will get an official letter about his publication in the journal for grant report.

Rules for authors, author's agreement (copyright transfer form) and style could be found at http://pleiades.online/en/journal/physpart/authors-instructions/.

Attention! Please send files of your text and scancopy of copyright form by e-mail (only!) to Yaroslav Klopot <klopot@theor.jinr.ru>.

Recommended number of pages for plenary session report is 8-10 pages, for parallel session report - 6-8 pages.

Note! The deadline for submission is extended to October, 27.