Oct 20 – 23, 2020
Europe/Moscow timezone

Video connection

Dear participants of the Conference "RFBR grants for NICA",

Due to the rapidly changing epidemiological situation the Directorate of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research finally has made a decision to hold the Conference "RFBR grants for NICA" remotely.

We are planning to use VOLNA Digital Office system for our videoconference.
It is recommended to use Google Chrome or Safari browser to connect.

All participants connect by default with their camera and microphone off. You can check the operation of your camera and microphone in a separate test conference link:  https://meet2.interprocom.ru/TEST

To share your screen/presentation you have to push the screen picture on the left bottom of Volna Office system. You may choose what to share: full screen, window of your program or Chrome tab. 

All the questions should be asked at the end of the talk. If you want to ask a question push the raise hand icon on the left bottom of the screen. A video conference has a moderator who can mute the participant's camera or microphone, but cannot turn them on. The participant must turn on the microphone by himself if he wants to talk.
The moderator himself determines the sequence of questions to the speaker.
Video cameras can be turned off by the moderator or automatically by the video communication system when the communication channel is heavily loaded.

The system has a chat. In case of problems or questions, you can write there.

In order to avoid technical problems during the conference we will organize test sessions:
* Thursday, 15/10/2020, 13:30 – 16:00 (Moscow time)
* Friday,      16/10/2020, 11:00 - 13:00 (Moscow time)
* Monday,   19/10/2020, 11:00 - 13:00 (Moscow time)

The link for the test connection is the following:

We kindly ask speakers to connect to the test session. Please, try to share your presentation and check how it works. To avoid problems with sharing during the session please download or send to the Organizing Committee your presentations in advance.