Parallel session V
- Alexey Guskov (JINR)
RFBR grant 18-02-40061
The Range System (RS) is one of the essential detectors of the SPD installation, which is currently under preparation for the second interaction point of NICA collider. RS provides identification of muons and can also be used as a coarse hadronic calorimeter. The SPD Range System design and geometry modeling are presented as well as main results of the RS prototype tests.
RFBR grant 18-02-40061, 18-02-40079
RFBR grant 18-02-40061
MiniSPD is an installation for cosmic muon tests of all types of the detectors that will be used in the SPD setup. It includes the scintillator-based trigger system, straw, silicon and GEM trackers, modules of the electromagnetic calorimeter and the lead filter to remove the soft component of cosmic rays. It will be used for the measurement of such important parameters...
Status and updates News about LPI Moscow setup for pixel modules testing.