Designing a system for monitoring the publication activity of the scientific organization’s researchers.

6 Jul 2023, 18:00
MLIT Conference Hall

MLIT Conference Hall

Big Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Big Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence


Matvei Malugin (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))


The modern world every day is subjected to the digitalization in various spheres of life, due to the need to introduce more efficient and accurate methods of handling data. This paper focuses on the development of a system that can track the publication activity of researchers in a scientific organization. The system is developed in the framework of the project to track the publication activity of the staff of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Key components of the architecture were tested in the framework of this project, namely, methods of programmatic data collection and processing, creation of a data lake and construction of an analytical panel with typical visualizations. Data were collected on 36,785 scientific publications and on 10,245 authors. Once collected, methods and software tools were used to process and saturate the data, such as identifying geo-data of author affiliations or selecting text keywords. The result is an interactive dashboard displaying typical visualizations from a pie chart to an author affiliation map that help to track the publication activity of the scientific organization's researchers.

Primary author

Matvei Malugin (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))


Mr Evgeniy Antonov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)) Alexey Artamonov (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))

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