
Proceedings of the GRID-2023 have been published in Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei

Papers in English are available only online at the Springer Nature's site!

Papers in Russian are available in the printed journal and online.

Papers for the Conference Proceedings must be ready till        
17 September 2023 and send to

Proceedings Publication

Selected works accepted to the conference will be published in Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei. The papers are reproduced directly from the originals presented by the authors.

The electronic journal accepts papers written only in English.

If you want to publish the paper in the printed journal, then send the text in both English and Russian.


The electronic copy of the paper should contain text in LaTex-2e + PDF or Word + PDF formats (personal macro-commands are not allowed), and figures as separate files.

The recommended format is .eps (Encapsulated PostScript) or .pdf (Portable Document Format). Raster artwork should be at least 300 dpi at 100% (Full print size).

Moreover, it's need to provide a scaned-copy of COPYRIGHT TRANSFER AGREEMENT signed by authors of a paper. Only accept signed author agreement that were originally physically signed with pencil on paper.

All used files (including the copyright agreement) should be zipped for submission (ZIP) and sent to

Types of Paper

Plenary talks - max 6 pages.

Sectional talks - max 4 pages.

Rules for the submission of proceedings

Only proceedings that have not been published previously and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere can be submitted.                   
Proceedings should be submitted in electronic form in MS Word format or LaTeX.                   
You should follow the rules and use templates (the same for English and Russian)!

The rules for the submission of proceedings are presented in the templates:

The example of well-formed document see in GRID2023_example.

Paper Review

All materials submitted to the conference will be reviewed by experts.