Evolution of the Grafana plugin for visualization of information from P-BEAST

4 Jul 2023, 14:45
MLIT Conference Hall

MLIT Conference Hall

Computing for MegaScience Projects Computing for MegaScience Projects


Andrei Kazymov (JINR)


The P-BEAST is a highly scalable, highly available and durable system for archiving monitoring information of the trigger and data acquisition (TDAQ) system of the ATLAS experiment at CERN. The Grafana plugin communicate with P-BEAST by the Rest API and JSON support. Grafana as a multi-platform open source analytics and interactive visualization web application is continuously developed with including modern technologies. As a result, the plugin has to be rebuilt almost for every new Grafana version. The early versions of the plugin were written on JavaScript with a support of the Angular web framework. For proper support of the plugin the Grafana server was also slightly modified, as Grafana did not support some options features. This summer a new 10th version should be released. It won’t support Angular any more. For this reason, the modern plugin was completely redesigned. Now it is developed on typescript with a help of React library and DataFrame support.

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