Геоинформационный сервис для аналитических задач службы главного инженера ЛИТ им. М.Г. Мещерякова ОИЯИ

6 Jul 2023, 17:45
Room 310

Room 310

Distributed Computing Systems Distributed Computing Systems


Ekaterina Kuznetsova


The report discusses a corporate geographic information system, which is designed to optimize management decisions for the operation of the laboratory building. The purpose of the implementation of the service is the competent management of the building, its technical communications, monitoring of engineering networks, visual representation of the placement of stuff, keeping a log of ongoing construction and repair work, and the formation of various analytical reports.
The considered information and graphic service allows you to see floor plans of the building with the existing footage and display building axes, display engineering networks in layers: power supply, water supply, heat supply, ventilation, fire alarm, telephone communication, location of departments and personnel in offices.

Primary author

Ekaterina Kuznetsova


Andrey Dolbilov (JINR)

Presentation materials