CVE, CWE, and CAPEC databases and their relationships are shortly introduced. Focus on this paper is on formalization and more specific on weakness formaliza-tion. Software weaknesses are described as formatted text. There is no widely ac-cepted formal notation for weakness specification. This paper shows how Z-notation can be used for formal specification of CWE-119.
The state of queues in modern computing centers is such that a user's task can hold in the queue before start for weeks. However, even if the queuing system gives a forecast for the start of a task, the forecast often turns out to be incorrect. It is happening because during the week the task is in the queue, there are some events will occur that will change the moments tasks starts. We know...
The Data Knowledge Base (DKB) project is aimed at knowledge acquisition and metadata integration which consists of DKB python library and API service. Due to its ETL workflow engine it allows to build a single system with integrated and pre-processed information behind distributed metadata infrastructure. Such system provides fast and efficient response for summary reports, monitoring tasks...
Containerization technology for Linux systems appeared many years ago with OpenVZ and LCX systems. However, wider usage came with the advent of the Docker system and the addition of new container support mechanisms to the Linux kernel itself. Originating as a system for servers, containerization technology has gradually moved into the user space as a universal mechanism for distributing and...
Modern computing centers consist of many enginering systems which provide working conditions for complex computing hardware. Some of such systems do not have build-in monitoring components or their cost is very expensive which makes them difficult for surveillance. Meanwhile there are many open source software libraries available for computer vision and image recoginition. One of them is...
В Лаборатории Информационных Технологий им. М.Г. Мещерякова (ЛИТ), Объединённого Института Ядерных исследований (ОИЯИ) в качестве системы для пакетной обработки данных поступающих от экспериментов CMS, АTLAS, ALICE, MPD, BM@N и других, используется система Slurm. Выполнение задачи от Slurm происходит в операционной системе (ОС) непосредственно на физическом сервере (вычислительный узел, ВУ)....
As a part of organization of a simplified access to the computing resources of the central IHEP cluster based on WEB technologies, was developed a system architecture based on the free software Apache Guacamole. Apache Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway supporting protocols like ssh, vnc and rdp via a web-browser. VNC and RDP support is implemented on the server side using native...
The training of teams and crews for the control and operation of complex technical objects implies the training of a big number of people at once, who must jointly solve the assigned tasks. Unlike a simple training system, such simulators are built on the basis of a distributed computing environment, consisting of the workplaces of the training crew members and the control server. In the case...
This research paper explores methods for balancing privacy and performance in distributed systems, specifically within multilayered architectures. It proposes a potential solution for secure data exchange on a hybrid blockchain platform, leveraging cryptographic tools to protect sensitive data while maintaining system functionality. The paper emphasizes the importance of considering both...
Abstract—This paper states the decentralization of a task management algorithm in a distributed environment. At the same time, the main criteria for task management were presented, and various approaches to designing this algorithm were described. The author considered the architecture of a blockchain-based task management system using the Parity Substrate framework of the Polkadot ecosystem....
The network infrastructure is an integral part of the major research infrastructure project "Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex (MICC) of JINR". The main goal is to provide a guaranteed and reliable traffic transmission that will fully meet the needs of scientific experiments. This presentation provides an overview of the local and external network infrastructure at JINR.
Providing reliable Internet connection is the key to success of any network. In the current paper questions about highly reliable network topology for data transfer between nodes in JINR are considered. The big challenge for the network service is to integrate between the two GRID sites Tier 1 and Tier 2 data centers together with the backbone JINR LAN and upscaling data rates to 100G, and in...
- types of virtualization
- select Open Source based suitable solution
- use Proxmox VE cluster solution
Developing SSO and using it in JINR applications
One of the most important components of the monitoring system LITMon MICC LIT JINR is the data storage system. Initially, it was based on the RRD database and a special pnp4nagios plugin, support for which ended in 2022. Required features no longer work. The RRD database is morally obsolete and has ceased to meet performance requirements and has begun to consume more computing resources of the...
Executing millions of scientific high-throughput computing (HTC) jobs on distributed heterogeneous computing resources poses challenges in observing their status and behavior after their completion. To address this, an approach was developed to analyze jobs using scatter plots, showcasing the dependency between job durations and the relative performance of CPU cores they were assigned to....
Distributed systems require an efficient and reliable consensus mechanism to reach agreement between nodes. In recent years, two popular consensus algorithms, Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) and Raft, have gained wide acceptance in the community due to their advantages. PBFT provides high speed and fault tolerance, while Raft is simple and easy to understand. However, each of them...
Для современной науки имеет большое значение Эффективное управление экспериментальными установками, и ускорительными комплексами различного уровня сложности. Инженерные решения в этом направлении различны, но все они сводятся к использованию специализированных объектно-ориентированных распределенных систем управления аппаратным оборудованием.
В данном докладе представлен алгоритм работы...
The License Management System (LMS) was developed at the JINR Information Technology Laboratory. The purpose of creating an LMS is to automate the management, acquisition, maintenance and use of licensed software products. The article presents the results of development of the system over the last year. From the "EDMS Dubna" the mechanism for coordinating requests (workflow) was imported and...
JINRLIB - библиотека программ, предназначенных для решения широкого круга математических и физических проблем. Программы JINRLIB написаны в разных системах и на разных языках программирования и относятся к различным направлениям вычислительной математики и вычислительной физики. Есть раздел программ, написанных с использованием технологии параллельных вычислений, в частности, MPI и OpenMP....
The report discusses a corporate geographic information system, which is designed to optimize management decisions for the operation of the laboratory building. The purpose of the implementation of the service is the competent management of the building, its technical communications, monitoring of engineering networks, visual representation of the placement of stuff, keeping a log of ongoing...
Аннотация. Рассматривается общая постановка задачи идентификации. Обсуждаются вопросы изменения множества допустимых решений при добавалении дополнительных (изменении существующих) гипотез. Для связи математических моделей с данными используется технология сбалансированной идентификации. На простых наглядных примерах исследуется динамика некоторых статистических оценок точности...
Scheduling tasks and allocating resources in a cloud (distributed) system is significantly different from resource management of a single computer. Cloud (global) schedulers view the system as a large pool of resources to which they have full access. At the same time, the most urgent task remains to maintain a balance, which consists in managing each individual computing task in such a way...
The paper considers methods to improve the performance of multi-agent system of knowledge representation and processing. The approach to the development of system and application software agents is described, the methods of distribution of agents on the nodes of the computing system and construction of the optimal logical structure of a distributed knowledge base are considered. The scheme of...
Volunteer computing (VC) is a strong way to harness distributed computing resources to perform large-scale scientific tasks. Its success directly depends on the number of participants, PC (some other devices) and time of their work. So project managers/organizers in search of a mechanism to encourage participation in VC-projects use conditional points accrual mechanism. The number of these...
Развивается подход к построению распределенных вычислительных сетей, основанный на разделении основных координирующих и управляющих функций единственного центра среди совокупности элементов, «покрывающих» (доминирующих) все остальные узлы системы коммуникаций. Полученные ранее результаты позволяют оценить достижимость, т.е. длину наибольшей кратчайшей цепи (диаметр) соответствующего графа и...
Технология сбалансированной идентификации математических моделей по экспериментальным данным [1, 2] давно и успешно используется в различных областях прикладных исследований [3]. Следуя авторской рекомендации, далее, для краткости, будем называть её SvF-технологией (Simplicity vs Fitting). Алгоритмическими основами этой математической технологии являются: Тихоновская регуляризация,...
The rapid growth of distributed computing systems has necessitated the development of efficient platforms for running optimization workflows. In this talk, we present a comprehensive approach to running optimization workflows using the Everest cloud platform, developed at IITP RAS. Everest enables the publication of code as web services and facilitates the allocation of computing resources,...
The paper considers the adaptation of federated deep learning on a desktop grid system using the example of an image classification problem. Restrictions are imposed on data transfer between the nodes of the desktop grid only for a part of the dataset. The implementation of federated deep learning on a desktop grid system based on the BOINC platform is considered. Methods for generating local...
The report is devoted to the practical aspects of modeling the operation of the BOINC computing infrastructure. The practical expediency of preliminary modeling for solving optimization problems by means of an evolutionary algorithm is substantiated. Important attention is paid to modeling the occurrence of abnormal situations in the work of the BOINC project. The main considered abnormal...
Simulation of a public desktop grid system or a project of voluntary distributed computing on a ComBoS software is considered. The features and limitations of a desktop grid system are determined using the example of a desktop grid on the BOINC platform. Scenarios with asynchronous calculation of several computing applications in one desktop grid are considered. The features of the modeling...
В связи с ростом объема прикладных вычислений в области обработки больших данных и искусственного интеллекта, а также при решении традиционных задач численного моделирования, возникает необходимость в программах, способных развертываться и исполняться на гибридных окружениях, состоящих из произвольной совокупности сетевых вычислительных ресурсов. Такими ресурсами являются виртуальные машины...