Erokhin Andrey
9/13/18, 1:30 PM
6. Cloud computing, Virtualization
Sectional reports
The talk focuses on our experience with JupyterHub and JupyterLab,
the ways we extend Jupyter and how we abuse JupyterHub
to spawn something other than signle-user Jupyter notebook servers.
Our project has started as a copy of CERN SWAN environment,
but it evolves independently. However, we are still using CVMFS to
load Jupyter kernels and other software and EOS to store user home
Petr Fedchenkov
9/13/18, 1:45 PM
6. Cloud computing, Virtualization
Sectional reports
University ITMO ( is designing the system for cloud of geographically distributed data centers under centralized administration to control the distributed virtual storage, virtual data links, virtual machines, and data center infrastructure management. The system needs to be tolerant to hardware and software failures of any type. The integrated set of programs is developed to implement...
(Research Assistant, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia)
9/13/18, 2:00 PM
6. Cloud computing, Virtualization
Sectional reports
The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) is a global collaboration of more than 170 computing centres in 42 countries and the number is expected to grow in the coming years. However, provisioning resources (compute, network, storage) at new sites to support WLCG workloads is still no straightforward task and often requires significant assistance from WLCG experts. Recently, the WLCG community...
Nikita Balashov
9/13/18, 2:15 PM
6. Cloud computing, Virtualization
Sectional reports
Clouds gave us a more flexible way of sharing computing resources between users and combine computation-intensive workloads with other types of workloads. Due to the variety of workloads in such environments and to their dynamic nature, the hosts are often underloaded. In this talk we give a review of an approach to improve hardware utilization in IaaS clouds through dynamic reallocation of...
Ruslan Kuchumov
(Saint Petersburg State University)
9/13/18, 2:30 PM
6. Cloud computing, Virtualization
Sectional reports
Cloud computing became a routine tool for scientists in many domains. In order to speed up an achievement of scientific results a cloud service for execution of distributed applications was developed. It obviates users from manually creating and configuring virtual cluster environment or using batch scheduler and allows them only to specify input parameters to perform their computations. One...
Alexander Bogdanov
(St.Petersburg State University)
9/13/18, 3:30 PM
6. Cloud computing, Virtualization
Sectional reports
Cloud Computing stands out from any other distributed computing paradigm by offering services on-demand basis which are not limited to any geographical restrictions. Consequently this has revolutionized the computing by providing services to wide scope of customers starting from casual users to highly business oriented Industries. Despite of its capabilities, Cloud Computing still faces...
Nikolay Kutovskiy
9/13/18, 3:45 PM
Sectional reports
The report covers details on such aspects of the JINR cloud development as migration to RAFT-based algorithm high availability setup, Ceph-based storage back-end for VM images and DIRAC-based grid platform for external partner clouds integration into distributed computational cloud environment.
Ivan Sokolov
9/13/18, 4:00 PM
6. Cloud computing, Virtualization
Sectional reports
Cloud computing became a routine tool for scientists in many domains. The JINR cloud infrastructure provides JINR users computational resources for performing various scientific calculations. In order to speed up achievements of scientific results the JINR cloud service for parallel applications was developed. It is a application-specific web-interface. It consists of several components and...
Mikhail Mazhitov
(Private establishment «Nazarbayev University Library and IT Services»)
9/13/18, 4:15 PM
6. Cloud computing, Virtualization
Sectional reports
The article is devoted to the project of creating the cloud infrastructure of the Astana branch of the Institute of Nuclear Physics and the private establishment «Nazarbayev University Library and IT Services» (Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana) on the basis of the resources of both organizations, its integration with the distributed cloud infrastructure of the Joint Institute for Nuclear...
Vladimir Dimitrov
(University of Sofia)
9/13/18, 4:30 PM
6. Cloud computing, Virtualization
Sectional reports
JINR established a cloud based on OpenNebula. It is open for integration with the clouds from the member states. The paper presents current (first year) state of the 3 years project that aims to create a cloud backbone in Bulgaria. University of Sofia and INRNE participate in that initiative. This is a target project funded by JINR based on the research plan of the institute.
Ivan Tatarinov
(Kaspersky Lab)
9/13/18, 5:00 PM
6. Cloud computing, Virtualization
Sectional reports
В работах [1, 2] анализировались статистические особенности потоков информации на входном шлюзе локальной сети среднего размера (250-300 компьютеров) и было показано, что при агрегировании измерений трафика формируется (начиная с некоторого порогового значения окна агрегирования: в нашем случае 1 с) статистическое распределение величины потока, которое не меняет своей формы при дальнейшем...