Beyond the phenomenology of the BCS model


Dr Dragos-Victor Anghel (IFIN-HH)


By a reevaluation of the grandcanonical partition function, we show that the phenomenology of the BCS model is much richer than previously known: the phase transition may be discontinuous (the energy gap has a jump at the phase transition temperature), there may be two solutions for the energy gap at the same temperature, etc. We present both zero temperature [1] and finite temperature results [2]. [1] D. V. Anghel, arXiv:1609.07931. [2] D. V. Anghel and G. A. Nemnes, Physica A 464, 74 (2016)

Primary author


Dr George Alexandru Nemnes (Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, 077126, Magurele-Ilfov, Romania)

Presentation materials