Oct 12 – 16, 2020
Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
Europe/Moscow timezone
In light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, it is planned to organize the upcoming CMR@IBR-2 Conference ONLINE. Join us in Zoom via this link: https://zoom.us/j/93745976641?pwd=TlZzOWpLYzdpWkdBNVEwTUdoQ2VuQT09



The Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) invites interested researchers to attend the International Conference on Condensed Matter Research at the IBR-2 reactor (CMR@IBR2 -2020) for discussion of recent experimental results, prospects of future research, development of IBR-2 instruments and neutron scattering techniques.

Neutron scattering research at the IBR-2 reactor (Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) covers different fields of condensed matter physics, materials science, chemistry, biophysical, geophysical and engineering sciences. At present, over 200 experiments per year are performed at the IBR-2 instruments by scientists from more than 20 countries in the framework of the User Program.

The previous Conferences held in 2014, 2015 and 2017 attracted participants from 18 countries: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Ukraine and Vietnam.