Oct 12 – 16, 2020
Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
Europe/Moscow timezone
In light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, it is planned to organize the upcoming CMR@IBR-2 Conference ONLINE. Join us in Zoom via this link: https://zoom.us/j/93745976641?pwd=TlZzOWpLYzdpWkdBNVEwTUdoQ2VuQT09

Technical Instructions

Technical Instructions


The Conference CMR@IBR-2 2020 will be held on the Zoom platform. The Conference link will be announced and sent by e-mail to the registered participants prior the Conference. The participants should join the Conference using the screen name in the format ‘Surname Name’.

October 8 (Thursday) is announced as a ‘test day’. A person responsible for the technical support will be available by the Conference link in Zoom to help with questions and tests of the online presentations within:

11:00 – 13:00 MSK for participants with plenary and oral talks;

15:00 – 17:00 MSK for participants with posters and others.

The link to the meeting is: https://zoom.us/j/93745976641?pwd=TlZzOWpLYzdpWkdBNVEwTUdoQ2VuQT09

Meeting ID: 937 4597 6641  Passcode: 85Ta1f

Technical Instructions (using ZOOM, Poster Session, etc.): View

Oral sessions

The duration of invited reports is 25 min. + 5 min. for discussion and contributed oral reports is 15 min. + 5 min for discussion.

During an oral session, every speaker shares and shows the presentation online on the Zoom platform following the chairperson’s directions. A responsible for the technical support is also available and help in organization of the presentation. To avoid background noise, the access to the microphones of the participants is limited. During the talk, the microphones are switched on only for technical person, chairperson and speaker. During the discussion time after the report, the microphones can be additionally switched on for the participants with questions following the chairperson’s directions. To get access to the microphone and ask question online during the discussion, the participant should click the ‘raise up’ button on the Zoom screen. The questions can also be asked in the ‘type style’ by typing in the chat box on the Zoom screen. They will be read to the public by the chairperson. Be aware, questions can be typed during the talk!

Poster sessions

The information can be found in the section “Poster Instructions”.